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Dinklemeier t1_ja8bp9f wrote

Yeah no one likes hearing that its a you problem not a them problem. I love buying stuff so i work a lot and therefore dont have to budget. Most people could save a bit of they tried, but its more fulfilling to bitch that they dont make enough.

My wife has 3 kids. Survived before we were together making 65k a year with zero financial support from the baby daddy. Now she lives free of rent ($2k/mo at her old appt) but can barely save anything. Theoretically she now has $24k of after tax money she should be saving. Magically though, she has almost none. Gee whiz. Cant possibly be a spending problem now that she has less financial pressure can it?


KungThulhu t1_ja8h9jk wrote

this is about the majority of young people nowadays genuinely and factually not being able to ever own any sort of place to stay, not being able to pay for families while inflation is constantly rising. If you can pay rent and live in this environment then you are more wealthy than most 20 year olds today. Thats not a joke or an exaggeration. This isnt because they buy lattes its because prices are rising while wages arent.