
KungThulhu t1_ja9f3sw wrote

>I gave you sources that challenged your sources.

No you gave me a link to an opinion piece while i gave you links to hard data that cant be argued with. You simply cant admit youre wrong so you try to chnage the subject but i dont care for that.


KungThulhu t1_ja8j6j9 wrote

>Until someone starts providing actual statistics that are tied to the resolution, there will be pushback.





>My home sells 3 times that value than I paid for it.

My salary is 2 times the salary of when I paid for it.

What? those sentences both simply do not make sense and i dont know what youre trying to say.


KungThulhu t1_ja8h9jk wrote

this is about the majority of young people nowadays genuinely and factually not being able to ever own any sort of place to stay, not being able to pay for families while inflation is constantly rising. If you can pay rent and live in this environment then you are more wealthy than most 20 year olds today. Thats not a joke or an exaggeration. This isnt because they buy lattes its because prices are rising while wages arent.


KungThulhu t1_ja8bs5b wrote

>The problem is post boomer generation focus on successes not failures.

typical boomer thought. Instead of accepting that factually the current teens will have it 10 times worse than you you instead push the blame on them.


KungThulhu t1_ja7u0j8 wrote

Yes the boomers that lived through the most prosperous, easiest times and bought a house on one salary that are now in retirement are much happier than the young people who will never own a house and retire and who will have climate change affect their live significantly with none of these things being properly adressed by politicians.

Your point?