Submitted by eyeguy21 t3_1240q8s in Showerthoughts
[deleted] t1_jdx864j wrote
[deleted] t1_jdx8v2n wrote
[deleted] t1_jdx9vl2 wrote
Technical_Ad_4299 t1_jdxa1b4 wrote
Unless he/she is cheating on you. In that case it is acceptable for you to have sex with his/her sister/brother
BroodwichBaker t1_jdxb3my wrote
You mean "their parents and/or siblings and/or your adult stepchild(ren), and they can all help you stage an intervention/orgy.'
InformalPenguinz t1_jdxg1ra wrote
That's the only time I have my interventions. People either come or don't........................
[deleted] t1_jdy4lsr wrote
[deleted] t1_jdyg4pv wrote
[deleted] t1_jdyitev wrote
Falconflyer75 t1_jdyix63 wrote
Well someone has to give this response
“Sweeet home Alabama”
[deleted] t1_jdyk4rx wrote
[deleted] t1_jdylic7 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdynnqx wrote
[deleted] t1_jdytpc9 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdz8021 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdz8nvh wrote
[deleted] t1_jdz9zvz wrote
[deleted] t1_jdzm4m3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdzmuyd wrote
[deleted] t1_jdznyof wrote
GsTSaien t1_jdzqs5g wrote
This is only when you are conflating blood relation with family.
[deleted] t1_jdzu52l wrote
_Banned_User t1_jdzw9le wrote
I think maybe the Bible says there are situations where your sister in law is allowed.
Nipie42 t1_je01kgy wrote
Don't take this as an attack at all, it's not (I don't even know if English is your first language) but you can use "they" instead of "he/she" and "sibling" instead of "sister/brother". I find generally it's quicker to write and smoother to read, but it's up to you of course.
[deleted] t1_je0ckx8 wrote
[deleted] t1_je0n1nt wrote
[deleted] t1_je0owvs wrote
[deleted] t1_je0rt2e wrote
[deleted] t1_je0z1nz wrote
[deleted] t1_je0zd24 wrote
[deleted] t1_je119ru wrote
[deleted] t1_je1536i wrote
Technical_Ad_4299 t1_je1eoo8 wrote
English is not my first language. Thanks for the suggestions!
Nipie42 t1_je1exqu wrote
You're very welcome!
Technical_Ad_4299 t1_je1f3c5 wrote
Sorry. English is not my first language 😅
seguracookies t1_je1n624 wrote
I think there's something about if a father-in-law passes away, his wife becomes the property of the daughter's husband. But I think it's more about protection than sex
_Banned_User t1_je1sz4a wrote
I’m not a Bible expert. The story of Lot has him doin’ it with both his sister in law and his daughters as I understand it. I’m not clear which case He finds cool or not, but apparently He was upset when Lot pulled out of the sister in law.
[deleted] t1_je1t1c9 wrote
What- is this true? When did it change? I thought the rule was Twins by Birth, Lovers by Choice.
Economy_Estimate8 t1_je22zem wrote
I think its like a "youre not supposed to have sex with your family, thats incest... But isnt your spouse your family too?"
maiden_burma t1_je25fwp wrote
it's always acceptable to have sex with whomever you want as long as there's meaningful and enthusiastic consent from all parties involved
maiden_burma t1_je25jz5 wrote
the bible never forbids banging your cousin
it also never forbids slavery. Or rape
maiden_burma t1_je25ypg wrote
lot just bangs his daughters
but i wouldnt say that's a black spot for the bible, because lot was just some guy and the immediate follow-up is that from these two unions most of israel's main enemy nations are created
the whole story actually only exists so that the Israelites can mock their enemies and says 'haha you're descended from incest'. And the enemies in question have their own histories, which are also very likely inaccurate
johnsonsantidote t1_je3goht wrote
What is family? U leave much room here for all types of perversion, and the fall out of boundaries crossed.
[deleted] t1_je3nq61 wrote
[deleted] t1_je5btte wrote
"Your spouse is the only family member that is acceptable to have sex with." - some law in Alabama.
"She's my sister! How could she cheat on me with my brother?" - typical Alabama court case, especially when child custody is being decided.
Lets_Bust_Together t1_je7rj1k wrote
And the only family who shares your last name, and you still have sex with them.
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