
Falconflyer75 t1_j5qrl2f wrote

If you feel bad about breaking his heart then till him that the pill messed with your head, you never stopped loving him and fix it

Don’t waste time saying you fucked up on Reddit that has zero chance of fixing anything

For crying out loud you actually have a valid excuse and u haven’t used it? If u had said I wanted to shop around then u leave him alone because then it comes off like you’re just settling for him

But if it was just the pill then go for it


Falconflyer75 t1_j4ekfmh wrote


I’m gonna assume at least 5 of your male coworkers were just gaming during the meeting and missed it,

I figure 2 women seeing…. isn’t too bad

And then one guy was nice enough to shut your camera off

So that just leaves 2


Falconflyer75 t1_j1rfyvk wrote

At the risk of sounding gross, I’m honestly surprised there isn’t a market for it,

women already get a ton of satisfaction from vibrators (usually more than they get out of the real thing)

U figure a sex doll with a vibrator attached would be basically unstoppable (u get the feeling of a body wrapped around u plus the…stimulation)