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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iuj5wn2 wrote

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ObligatoryOption t1_iuj6d20 wrote

Or that poor rock might have been struggling against tides, currents and waves to stay in the ocean, only to lose its heroic struggle. But thanks to you it will return to its loving underwater home again.

We'll have to wait for the movie to know for sure.


TheSentientPurpleGoo t1_iuj9c9r wrote

i think that a lot when i'm throwing rocks into the water. makes me want to throw them farther out.


Mrtorbear t1_iuj9lpq wrote

"Oh come the fuck on, Chris. I just got here."

Like waiting in line for an amusement park ride and they stop accepting new patrons for the night just when you got to the loading zone.


JKolodne t1_iuj9lqe wrote

After that much struggling, they'd probably lose the overwhelming amount of their mass and just be "sand".


sensitivepistachenut t1_iuj9q0w wrote

It's a rock. It doesn't care, it has all the time available to just wait for humans to wipe out and return back to a beach


andrewcassmusician t1_iujb88k wrote

This seems like the kind of thought which would activate my existential dread, but it’s so absurd (and probably happens all the time) that personifying the rock being pissed off about being thrown into the water again make me smile 😄 Makes my own problems seems kind of small and silly too. Thanks for sharing!


surfmoss t1_iujjjn1 wrote

The rock didn't try to get anywhere but the force of nature certainly did attempt to move it.


westlaj t1_iujl6pu wrote

Yeah but he does make a wish stuff, has some killer movie roles, and sexy af. So it all evens out


Existing_Welder_4413 t1_iujqcoo wrote

But it has no feelings due to being a piece of stone. So what is it gonna do, complain about it?


moxiejohnny t1_iujrg64 wrote

Yeah, we're helping them because we understand that evolution sucks so don't ever leave the water. Just like we shouldn't have left the water and started breathing air.


Me5hly t1_iujrmbz wrote

There are rocks out there spending billions of years waiting to reach earth. Not to be selfish, but I hope they never make it


Kadaven t1_iujs51i wrote

All rocks are forever trying to get to the bottom of the ocean. Waves are simply an intermission.


TheBrav3LittleToastr t1_iuju0bq wrote

Hahahahahaaha!! Hey mom loook... i can skip this rock!!

Rock - aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhggggggg


888_styles_888 t1_iujvdmi wrote

This happened to me at Hollywood Studios rock 'n' roller Coaster starring Aerosmith.

2014ish my sons were 4 and 2, they couldn't ride and someone had to watch them so my wife agreed to wait. I was really excited waiting in line for and hour maybe an hour and a half and I get to the building portion of the line, super close to getting on the ride and the ride had to shutdown. Fuck beer break.


HereTakeThisBooger t1_iujvngr wrote

... and it is pretty likely that you are the only human being who ever did or ever will touch that particular rock.


doowgad1 t1_iuk14if wrote

Rock is probably happy to be back under water.

"My god, I had no idea what the hell was happening. Thank christ that kid came along."


gimmepbr t1_iuk211q wrote

I got asked to leave a rock/mineral/gym store because my gf at the time was shopping there. All I said was, "This person moved a rock that probably sat there for millions of years and now it's worth hundreds of dollars. At least when I sold drugs I knew it wasn't leaving the radius of 100 miles and it was just as valuable".


Gooftwit t1_iuk2mup wrote

Is it just me or is there an uptick in anthropomorphizing posts on this sub? Yesterday I saw one about how our stomach "thinks" all potatoes are mashed.


iceynyo t1_iuk2yn1 wrote

Eh, global warming is likely to put it back into the ocean in a similarly short timeframe relative to hundreds of millions of years


forgotten_tomato t1_iuk3l2k wrote

Not likely, rocks don't have intent built into them at all.

Unless you're talking about the lava aliens Spock mind melded with that were producing giant sized pearls.


LeChefK_Tang t1_iuk41hh wrote

The rock isn't sentient. It didn't try to get to the beach. It just existed.


maxxevan t1_iuk52u6 wrote

And one day that rock just will be dust in cosmic proportions


TaronQuinn t1_iuk64ju wrote

It's a rock.

It has no intentionality or will. It goes where the tides take it.

Or is this an expression of your own listlessness? A subtle attempt for you to grasp at a sense of purpose; if you will, your "beach"?

u/Waoonet, are you the "rock"? Who threw you back out to sea? Who hurt you?


awfullotofocelots t1_iuk6apz wrote

Maybe if rocks were sentient, or even alive. But they're not; no rock might have tried this.


Iforgetpasswords4321 t1_iuk6lcq wrote

Roger: "One day this man walks out of his house to go to work. He sees this snail on his porch. So he picks it up and chucks it over his roof, into the back yard. Snail bounces off a rock, cracks its shell all to shit and lands in the grass. Snail lies there dying."

Roger: "But it doesn't die. It eats some grass. Slowly heals. grows a new shell. And after a while it can crawl again. One day the snail up and heads back to the front of the house. Finally, after a year, the little guy crawls back on the porch. Right then, the man walks out to go to work and sees this snail again. So he says to it, "what the fuck's your problem?


procrastinatng t1_iuk87lq wrote

Finally this subreddit getting better. Thank you for sharing your thoughts


Kegger315 t1_iuk8zr3 wrote

A rock doesn't try to do anything, it's a rock. Apply motivation to an inanimate object is odd.


aBeaSTWiTHiNMe t1_iuk9vdw wrote

I think about that all the time. Although at my favourite spot I'll go dive down and grab my rocks again I often think "I'm the last one to touch this rock."


BilboT3aBagginz t1_iuka3ik wrote

I distinctly remember waiting in line specifically for the front car and having so much fun that when we got off an employee took us back through this secret hallway and put us right back in the front of the front car line so we got to ride it twice in like 15min. It was hands down one of my favorite memories of going there.


aMiserableEase t1_iukagat wrote

Sand comes from inland. Specifically mountains or just generally higher elevations.


Psynaut t1_iukakxc wrote

Why 260 million years? Why not 270, or 250? Were there no rocks over 270 million years ago?


745395 t1_iukbcoz wrote

It's the rocks fault for not evolving fins and legs all this time. No sympathy!!!