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hypnocentrism t1_iujs9d1 wrote

Those nameless human programmers who are creating the AI art software deserve to be considered artists. It's beautiful, and it's just in the infant stage.


mushishepherd t1_iujwgkl wrote

As an artist a lot of them have such sour attitudes towards other artists. Not all of them but theres a handful of ai art community leaders and programmers who are giving them a bad reputation.


hypnocentrism t1_iujwylu wrote

Hah, I could see that.

So they're becoming a bit pretentious? I guess they really are artists.


Golden_Princess12345 t1_iuk7lci wrote

How could you call this beautiful when it's replacing real human's jobs? How can you say this is ok?

AI art is cool, I will admit that, but if it's threatening real human's jobs then I honestly can't see how you can say it's a great thing to exist. If you were an actual artist yourself I bet you'd have a different opinion on this, knowing a robot can do what you've spent years learning to do and practicing to perfect in just a few seconds and can take your job is terrifying. I don't want to live in an age where I get to see art made by real humans slowly die out.