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Brick_Bandit t1_iu3iqx7 wrote

Whoever said that clearly hadn't been broken to the state of suicide by someone they love.


hairybanana138 t1_iu4gts5 wrote

I feel this, so Fucking much. Wasted 6 years of my life on a man who would constantly belittle me, emotionally abused me, cheated, lied, manipulated, all of the terrible things people do. No matter what I did, I was a useless piece of crap. I dropped out of nursing school, went through multiple jobs, lost touch with friends and family - all to put him first and make sure HIS needs were met while he couldn’t even give me affection or attention on a regular basis. It got to the point where I literally wanted to die rather than live without him, because I couldn’t bring myself to leave. I couldn’t sever the ties no matter how bad he treated me. Sadly, I had a gun in my mouth more than once. I thank god and whatever powers that are above that I didn’t do it, because my life is SO much better 4 months post breakup. For anyone who is going through the same shit, please just know it gets better. It’s never worth putting yourself last for someone else.


Brick_Bandit t1_iu5lgqh wrote

I'm currently in a situation where I have no idea what to do because I'd rather die then leave them, but I dont feel appreciated, or like I matter.

It doesn't help that I've known this person for 9 years and they arent the same person I fell in love with and I'm constantly worried they're going to get themselves hurt or do something to hurt me... but I cant leave them because I cant live without them. And I know if I left it would destroy them and I still care about them.


Reaver966 t1_iu5nhd2 wrote

Love can truely be a double edged sword. Not wanting to leave, and not wanting to live without, is an intense place to be. I am happy you were able to get out mostly "unharmed". I know some trauma may be there, but fellow human I am glad you are alive and now doing well.