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mr_butts69 t1_itq3duz wrote

shit can get crazy heated over literally just a post about the temperature of fucking pizza oh my god it’s fantastic. i cant imagine what could’ve been so controversial and frankly the prospect is fascinating me now. was it something simple like you were just being racist (somehow, in the post about fucking pizza temp) or was it something more complex that i could never even imagine. it could be anything right.

i lost where i was going with that ngl, i’m high and i apologise for the ramblings


PandaKing185 OP t1_itq3pc0 wrote

Lmao I wasn't racist, just being rude like "damn let me delete it and repost it specifying COOKED EDIBLE pizza lmfao" and then I woke up today and was like why the fuck do I care and deleted the comments. Guy was cool though and understood. Those comments are still there


IVIaster222 t1_itw9a3z wrote

To be honest I have no idea why it even got downvoted in the first place. It's not like I took any offense to it, but I guess others did for me. There are two sides of the spectrum, those that say cold pizza has to be cooked first to be pizza, and those that say a prepped pizza is already a pizza, so it's pizza without being cooked.

I fell on the latter end, but both ways could be true depending on your definition of pizza. If we are playing by the book, I'd say it would make more sense for it to need to be heated for it to be a pizza, but I still would call a frozen pizza a pizza so I didn't think about it by the book at the time.

Either way you look at it though, it's not really worth arguing over something this simple in the grand scheme of things, lol. It was still a pretty good shower thought, and much better than other generic ones I hear all the time. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, so arguing over opinions will just lead to people getting upset. It's when we are arguing with facts that it's more understandable though, but even so I'd say it's more important to remain civil and friendly rather than bashing people because of an opinion. Not something you see often online sadly, that's for sure.