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PM_ur_Rump t1_iy06x62 wrote

It's unreasonable to say "I can give $2 to the lottery fund every few months, which goes to help support state programs, daydream a bit about being a millionaire, and not at all miss the money?" It's basically a donation with a chance of a payout.


BetterFuture22 t1_iy07qao wrote

Yes, hence nickname of "poor people tax"


PM_ur_Rump t1_iy09bx0 wrote

A voluntary donation is not a tax.


BetterFuture22 t1_iy0oybr wrote

That's why I put it in quotes, clever one.

Let's be real, the vast majority of purchasers are people who don't have a lot of money - if they were better at math, they'd realize they're just throwing that money away.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iy1jsi4 wrote

But it's not throwing money away. It's just spending money on something that they want to spend money on. Yes, if you are buying a bunch of tickets regularly, it quickly becomes a form of real gambling with terrible odds, but for most it's just a buck or two that doesn't really hurt them. No different than spending money on anything just because you want it. It's not an investment, it's just a game with a side of charity. "Poor" people are allowed to perform acts of charity too.