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donsterkay t1_iy2h2wu wrote

When was the last time you even saw a floppy disc? Its still the "Save" icon in most programs. Some users have NEVER seen or used one.


ikingrpg OP t1_iy2j8jg wrote

That's a good point, it's the same with a lot of digital icons like the phone icon or camera icon.

I think the effect that you pointed out will happen for electric cars, people will still use terms like "start the car" "gas pedal" "gear shifter", but I think that fake car engine sounds will die out because most people just don't care.


[deleted] t1_iy2k5tf wrote



_KONKOLA_ t1_iy2xd8q wrote

I constantly point out to my gf how fudged up it is that we are just expected to coexist with the noise pollution of cars. Studies have shown its negative effect on stress in people and animals.

Wish we had it like many European countries ☹️


GoldenLiar2 t1_iy2yw0l wrote

European here, I drive a Dodge Challenger with a big 5.7 liter V8. Also removed some of the mufflers so it's louder.

It's glorious and big loud engines make life worth living.


4x4is16Legs t1_iy340xl wrote

> Also removed some of the mufflers so it's louder.



GoldenLiar2 t1_iy38f00 wrote

It just sounds great. I'm legitimately not doing it to be an asshole, it's just a great sound and I enjoy it. Makes driving a lot more fun without going fast/doing dumb stuff.

The way I see it, it makes my car more efficient at turning fuel into fun.


donsterkay t1_iy4wj8c wrote

Put a mic my your STOCK exhaust and get an amp and some headphones so the rest of us don't have to deal with your childish self centered behavior.


donsterkay t1_iy4wsxg wrote

"I'm legitimately not doing it" NO its illegal (though seldom enforced due to police priorities).


GoldenLiar2 t1_iy4xz1x wrote

You have no idea where I live, what the laws in my jurisdiction are, or anything like that.

Even if it was, I'd be willing to pay the fines.


donsterkay t1_iy4yisa wrote

Spoken like a true anti-social asshole.


GoldenLiar2 t1_iy4yvn4 wrote

revs, does a burnout, drives away in a cloud of smoke

Have a good one pal!


donsterkay t1_iy52mmk wrote

GoldenLiar2 (name fits) Crashes into a store front and then blames someone else.


donsterkay t1_iy4wdq6 wrote

So you think being an asshole makes life worth living? What a shitty life you lead.


GoldenLiar2 t1_iy4y281 wrote

Why does driving a loud car make me an asshole?


donsterkay t1_iy4yf8d wrote

If you are truly that stupid, explaining it to you would be a waste of time.


ThatsItForTheOther t1_iy62xm8 wrote

Because other people that aren’t you have to hear it. Noise pollution is real and constant obnoxious loud noises might make you happy but for everyone around you they’re annoying as hell


GoldenLiar2 t1_iy81h0n wrote

The fact that my car gets loud doesn't mean my car is loud at all times, and it doesn't mean it has to be loud in highly populated areas. I drive at night, on backroads, etc.


Youpunyhumans t1_iy3gh07 wrote

Fake engine sounds in electric cars have a purpose, its so you can hear the car coming when its going slow (I think its less than 40 or 50kph). If the car is going faster the tires make enough noise.

They had to add the noise makers in because people were getting hit. I remember when my step mom had to take her then new electric car in to get it installed.


NAGDABBITALL t1_iy2ijda wrote

As stated, there are a few engine/exhaust sound simulators. My guess is that before long you'll be able to choose between a variety of sounds.


ikingrpg OP t1_iy2iw9j wrote

Actually that is already a thing on a few EVs, Tesla lets you change your sound to anything. All new EVs have speakers to alert pedestrians, usually like a hum or white noise.

But I personally don't expect fake engine sounds to stay popular, I think people will just get used to different sounds. In fact most non-car enthusiasts don't care about sound at all and would turn it off.


neurohero t1_iy2zcpe wrote

I want the sound of a galloping horse. Or heavy, creepy breathing.


NAGDABBITALL t1_iy61c24 wrote

Not just a horse...a Mustang. My favorite engine note. They can put it on the Mustang Mach-E.


caveyh96 t1_iy336gi wrote

I mean they probably will. I still know cars used to go "neigh"


4x4is16Legs t1_iy34hec wrote

And they shit in the streets which actually smells quite superior to burnt fossil fuels. In my opinion anyway.


ikingrpg OP t1_iy56c1h wrote

I agree, but apparently some people actually like the smell of burnt fossil fuels.


ikingrpg OP t1_iy568oc wrote

Okay maybe they'll know, but when they think of cars it won't be what they immediately think of.


Fresh-Statement3618 t1_iy2kcam wrote

Someone stole my mom's catalytic converter. Hearing a loud Prius was bizarre.


Rectal_Fungi t1_iy2r6o4 wrote

A large chunk of people today don't realize that to get online for porn you had to pray no one woke up because of the dial up noise.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iy2f2i8 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.


Salamanda109 t1_iy328cz wrote

I doubt it. I know what a steam Train sounds like but I was born well this side of the industrial revolution.


Sentsuizan t1_iy3c6ql wrote

Most manufacturers pump in fake engine noise anyway these days. I don't see that changing with EVs.


LazerWolfe53 t1_iy5gi8v wrote

My kids grew up only knowing electric cars and they say cars go "Weeeeeeee!"


JustSomeApparition t1_iy2fc5z wrote

Car manufacturers have been using your automotive speakers to falsely simulate the sound of your engine since the mid-2000s. So depending on how old you are it is entirely possible that you, yourself, may not even know what a car going Vrroooommm is. Haha