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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j2bds26 wrote

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shiva8512 OP t1_j2be3lv wrote

I devised a theorem, It occurred to me while I was watching a YouTube video on Shakespeare's relatively lesser known comedy "Twelfth night"

"Any form of love triangle is impossible without some homosexuality" If it doesn't have any one attracted to the same gender at a it's not a love triangle. It's a love bent line


HandsomeJack19 t1_j2bf6iy wrote

It's true. Without any homosexuality it isn't a love triangle, it's a love >


SolusCaeles t1_j2bhzwl wrote

What if one of the guys is secretly a crossdresser and the other has a crush on that secret identity unknowingly?


littleoctagon t1_j2biyfp wrote

Intersex people exist so, if they also consider themselves gender fluid and have both working parts...that could work right?


acarpenter08096 t1_j2btdbn wrote

A love triangle is when two people are competing for the affection of one person. Are you thinking of polyamory or menage a trios?


eternalankh t1_j2c501c wrote

I mean, I see your point, but it's not a showerthought. You're trying to change the definition of a clearly established trope.


BuketManTheTraitor t1_j2cgske wrote

Or even better, a ‘love square with an x in it’. Everyone loves each other. Everyone is gay at some point.


This-Technology6075 t1_j2cmf49 wrote

Unless one of them was born eithout Male or female parts and with like nonbinary parts but nobody even does that in their stories unless it’s maybe a Frankenstein story


spazzyone t1_j2cpqyn wrote

Furthermore, any odd-sided love polygon would require some homosexuality. An even-sided polygon could have no homosexuality, or some even number of homosexual pairs.

Of course, you could have male-male-male-female, which is even with an odd number of males and females, but there are two linked male pairs and two linked straight pairs, so this does not violate the above statements.


GaryinZion t1_j2cuqss wrote

Thanks, but also, I didn't actually think op had the thought in the shower OR was trying to change the definition.

Though the realization is one many have had (and so may violate the rule about the thought needing to be original), the realization that "love triangles" as we use the phrase does not represent an actual triangle may have been new to them and felt unique enough (from their perspective) to post here.


PistachioedVillain t1_j2dknu5 wrote

It's an isosceles triangle. One side is friendship length, two sides are romance length.


moldycatt t1_j2e1qz9 wrote

what if one of the people was nonbinary? non-binary person loves female, female loves male, male loves nonbinary person


SadLaser t1_j2e9zuj wrote

No, because you're misinterpreted what a love triangle is. Love triangle is a made up term and has a specific meaning that has two rivals vying for the affection of a third person. If two men are interested in the same woman or two women interested in the same man, there is no homosexuality. The two rivals aren't interested in each other. That isn't what a love triangle is.


SadLaser t1_j2ead9v wrote

No, because you've deliberately misinterpreted what a love triangle is. Love triangle is a made up term. It means whatever the creator of the term and now society has accepted it to mean and that specific meaning is a situation when two rivals vie for the affection of a third person. If two men are interested in the same woman or two women interested in the same man, there is no homosexuality. The two rivals aren't interested in each other. That isn't what a love triangle is. Maybe you think it would make more sense that way, but that's not how language works.


PckMan t1_j2edueh wrote

Love triangles aren't necessarily "circular" as in each person likes another but no pairs of mutual feelings form. It could be one person liked by two people or one person unsure how to decide from two people.


Darkality24 t1_j2eo1oo wrote

That song is about a fairy trap.

Think about it, the whole song is about how people there never stop dancing, they claim everything is "glittery" and people are desperate to return to it once they leave.