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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j28ku7c wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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uniqueusername5001 t1_j28otfb wrote

You say useful, I say keeps it keeps me up all night every night.

Also, do you just think of the words or do you actually hear yourself saying them in your head?


felis_flatus t1_j29jkhn wrote

Evidently a large proportion of the population doesn’t actually have internal monologue/voice. I can’t remember the exact percentage, but I remember being shocked by how much it is.


apollo606 t1_j2br8s1 wrote

I'm convinced my friends mom doesn't have this. All thoughts are just spoken out loud. Lol


naparasmon t1_j2brp3s wrote

OH MY GOD THIS. I learned English kinda by accident, and I can speak it perfect in my head, doesn't even matter what accent, British, Scottish, American, doesn't matter. I can do every each and one of them in my head, but when I open my mouth, I sound like a broken record. Why I can almost perfectly write whole paragraphs, but I can't speak it.