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sobiyela t1_j68o2bo wrote

You are doing a strawman's fallacy.

I didn't defend what you are trying to counter argue.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68tmzp wrote

Pointing to real supply chains is not a strawman fallacy. Its literally how everything works in the material sense. The base physical reality of civilizations is labor.

Its one of the reasons strikes are so effective. In ancient rome the working class would sometimes abandon a city for better rights/laws/whatever and the wealthy would realize quickly they had no more income from investments and they rapidly ran out of wine and bread. Forcing them to actually do labor which is of course harder, less profitable and less savory than their adminministrative or management type positions.

Happened just recently where corporate sent workers to fill in gaps at Mc Donalds. Turns out they needed labourers to serve food to support all the other jobs at head office. Seems kind of self evident no? They ended up being early adopters of higher wages to try to minimize that problem

Until machinery replaces people its a fact of civilizations.

"If I see far it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants"

If a business closes because boomers retire and everyone else chooses better jobs (the nobody wants to work rhetoric) and the owmer cannot run the operation themselves points to the necessity of what I speak.


sobiyela t1_j68u8la wrote

You are truly losing it...

Go drink some water and then tell us why are you arguing about that.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68vj6i wrote

Yes paragraphs and reading are too hard for some people. Have a great day.


sobiyela t1_j68w3o4 wrote

> Yes paragraphs and reading are too hard for some people.

Being passive aggressive it's shameful you know?

> Have a great day.

Ok, you too.