
Corrupted_G_nome t1_j92wqwx wrote

They are. Usually very newswortht when they become major events. The US suffered hundreds of billions in damages in the last 3 years from intense snowstorms in places that very rarely if ever get light snow, getting real snowstorms (laughs in Canadian).

We also have been having arctic lows mixed with warm air causing freezing rain and dangerous conditions in our much shotened winter.

Melting ice cools the air arround it making for colder oceans and atmospheres in summer months. Usually lots of shelf ice melting can impact sheet ice development.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j73kv3w wrote

To be fair the article shared also included embryonic stem cell research which is banned in some US states but was a critical point of research of all kinds for some time (maybe still is) so I can see how that would go underground.

Designer babies should be a forbidden technology. Cure illnesses ore birth and remove genetic defects, fine. Choosing phenotype traits is creepy af imom


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j73ivzg wrote

There was a case of human cloning in China and the government jailed that doctor and their staff. It was illegal and lacked permits officially and the results came out after the child was born via surrogate. I never did hear much follow up so I don't know if that was a hoax or fake news story.

I heard another of a family cloning a young child who was hit by a car and died. Again I did not confirm that story. It does bring up some weird ethical questions tho about potential uses of this technology.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68tmzp wrote

Pointing to real supply chains is not a strawman fallacy. Its literally how everything works in the material sense. The base physical reality of civilizations is labor.

Its one of the reasons strikes are so effective. In ancient rome the working class would sometimes abandon a city for better rights/laws/whatever and the wealthy would realize quickly they had no more income from investments and they rapidly ran out of wine and bread. Forcing them to actually do labor which is of course harder, less profitable and less savory than their adminministrative or management type positions.

Happened just recently where corporate sent workers to fill in gaps at Mc Donalds. Turns out they needed labourers to serve food to support all the other jobs at head office. Seems kind of self evident no? They ended up being early adopters of higher wages to try to minimize that problem

Until machinery replaces people its a fact of civilizations.

"If I see far it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants"

If a business closes because boomers retire and everyone else chooses better jobs (the nobody wants to work rhetoric) and the owmer cannot run the operation themselves points to the necessity of what I speak.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68njxd wrote

Lol and if they went to seek that better life nothing would be produced... Ive heard that logic from wealthy people and it confuses me. We need labourers to produce literally everything. If Napoleon was stuck subsistence living, or any other historical figure, because no one would work in teams to make bread or build walls or host government and all acted like individuals and started their one man businesses they would achieve nothing.

Rocks can only be piled higher by widening the base. All societies are pyramidal in nature. In todays world folks are drilling into the base to get sand to build their own little spires to their own little peaks. Without the base however they cannot achieve anything and if they drill too much the structure collapses. Its also not just a metaphore but happens occasionally to civilizations and is a warning.

Ling views of archaeological history show as people become well fed they have time and energy to invent things like pottery or bows. When famines are bad enough most other jobs are abandonned for subsistence living. Squeeze people too hard out of a sense of self worth and the tower falls.

We exist as a collective. I cannot do my job if the people who build my tools do their job and they cannot do their job if their food sources dont work. Every society is centered around agriculture or is held at the mercy of agricultural imports.

Nobody wants to grind flour all day but it jas to get done. Shitting on people for doing hard work that is necessary for their own survival (and lets be real many of these things are also pleasureable) is a huge mental block devoid from reality.


Corrupted_G_nome t1_j68jkeu wrote

Animals who cooperate to build things and invent stuff. Imagine if Napoleon did not have a tailor or a baker and they lived in agressive competition... Lol. Naked and hungry he could not rise to do anything.

"If I see far it is because I stand on the shoulders of Giants"