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SpecialistAd5537 t1_j6l6g48 wrote

I disagree, world peace is impossible because we have set our entire society around it not being viable. Say tomorrow world peace was achieved, million of people from lawyers, and police, to doctors and physicians would be out of work. Nevermind the sporting industry. If you mean peace as in no major conflict between nations, then I'd change my position.


teabagmoustache t1_j6l6v0s wrote

It seems you've highlighted the problem


SpecialistAd5537 t1_j6l79j0 wrote

To be more specific, the problem is that there will always be a person willing to cross the line for their own self interest.


Ginandexhaustion t1_j6lp185 wrote

So you attain world peace, everyone is living in harmony. Weapons serve no purpose and are disposed Of.

Then Kang and Kodos land and conquer the planet with a two by four with a nail in it.

And now we’re all slaves to aliens.

Thanks John Lennon.
