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OregonKlee8367 t1_j67dwz2 wrote

The European ones conform to their name mostly... Are balls and played with feet.

The American ones are a foot long aren't they? And since Wikipedia defined balls as 'may be ovoid' they can be called balls, so in conclusion they are also Footballs


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j67e76m wrote

Quoted from gang green nation:

"It is widely assumed that the word "football" (or "foot ball") references the action of the foot kicking a ball. There is an alternative explanation, which is that football originally referred to a variety of games in Medieval Europe, which were played on foot. There is no conclusive evidence for either explanation."

Nothing to do with length. A ball is a sphere, not oval, HANDOVAL!!


OregonKlee8367 t1_j67f51a wrote

I haven't decided that's how it is... Plz no ouchies 🤕

EDIT: what kind of serious source of information is this green nation ? And was it the only source you used or just the most supportive?


--DoReFuckMi-- OP t1_j67g32h wrote

I mean I see your point, but handoval is funnier


OregonKlee8367 t1_j67h5dc wrote

That's a point you get without great debate. So it evens out and some fun was to be had