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Font_Fetish t1_j8ncw6k wrote

… the spelling was intentional to avoid the comment getting flagged (it’s a regarded rule, but Reddit banned that word AFAIK).

You’re allowed to perceive whatever irony you think is there though.


Smokestack830 t1_j8ndhzj wrote

Sure, I'll just think less of you for your lack of empathy and respect instead of for your spelling mistakes. Same result.


Smith7929 t1_j8nesk6 wrote

You might be regarded bro


Smokestack830 t1_j8ni3ms wrote

Ask the person with down syndrome how they feel about being referred to like that.


Peeche94 t1_j8ns4sz wrote

I'm with you on this. The reason this post exists is because of people like them. I can assure you people like Alex are not dumb in the slightest, their brains just work differently.


Smokestack830 t1_j8o4vhl wrote

Thanks. Its one thing to use that term at all, but for someone with down syndrome? Its been proven without a shadow of a doubt that people with down syndrome have the capacity for just about everything that the rest of us do. There is such a lack of empathy here its disgusting.


Peeche94 t1_j8p1ixu wrote

On no, they fundamentally don't agree with what empathy means! In their own world like the rest of the ignorant fools.


Harsimaja t1_j8p37kb wrote

A lot of people don’t realise how quickly the attitude to this word and its usage changed and come down on older folks for whom it was the kind, ‘technical’ term (and didn’t grow up with South Park…) too much like a tonne of bricks. But in this case the usage and intent are not nice at all…


Font_Fetish t1_j8nh0gw wrote

Oh no, what will I ever do now that Smokestack830 thinks less of me! Absolutely gutted.

It’s wild to me that you think the use of a word, which used to be the scientifically correct term, indicates a lack of empathy or respect. This movement of acting like saying the word “regarded” or calling something “gay” makes you a bigot is insane.

I believe in human rights for all people and am fiercely progressive in my quest for those rights because I have empathy and respect for my fellow people. Progressives are inclusive, but we have NEVER been the ones in favor of censoring speech or policing what people can say (especially as part of humor), that is for the book-burning, nudity-censoring conservatives. You alienate people from the causes that really matter when you keep telling them what to say and feeding into the culture war distraction.

Me using that word hurt exactly zero people. I hope you enjoy your unearned feelings of moral superiority that you’ve just conjured for yourself though, you’re so brave and such an ally.


Peeche94 t1_j8ntqdj wrote

Using the terms Gay and Regarded in those ways is derogatory, that's why they're "censored" for use in that way.

You're not empathetic. One day you will be and realise how bad you were, everyone goes through it at some point, just others take longer to develop.


Font_Fetish t1_j8o5yeq wrote

I guess I fundamentally disagree with you on what empathy is then.

These are words used for humor and self-expression, they are not causing harm to be done to any individual or group. They just feel a little uncomfortable to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel offended on behalf of others who didn’t ask for it. That’s not empathy. That’s a savior complex.

It’s not like it’s the n-word with an actual history of dehumanization and horrors beyond our comprehension. It’s an outdated medical term that is used colloquially to mean that something is dumb. Sorry I didn’t account for your sensitivity and say “mentally disabled” or “handicapped,” which honestly sound way more offensive and ableist to me.

Thank you for sharing your moral superiority with the class, I’m sure you’re beyond reproach.


Peeche94 t1_j8p0yw0 wrote

Lmao ok buddy.

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


Smokestack830 t1_j8nhtil wrote

Wow lmao. You act like my comment hasn't phased you at all and then you type up this novel? Well done xD


Font_Fetish t1_j8ni98f wrote

I said that your opinion of me has no importance to me. Doesn’t mean I can’t explain my perspective on this discussion after your attack on my character.

Glad to see your well-thought-out rebuttal to all of the points I made though. Still just attacking the person because the foundations of your opinions are weak.

If 3 short paragraphs is equivalent to reading a novel for you, that would go a long way toward explaining your difficulties with critical thought. Hopefully this one wasn’t too long for you to read as well.
