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lav__ender t1_j9748u5 wrote

she was doing sign language interpretation somewhere on the sidelines. I didn’t see her until I saw clips of her performance online. so I’m unsure who was able to watch her during the Super Bowl itself.


zahliailhaz t1_j98g7ve wrote

This is actually a major complaint of the deaf community. Sign language interpreters aren’t anywhere on the screen or even on the same stage and you have to go to a separate site to see it. She happened to go viral because people who did go to that site shared her out, but it isn’t accessibility to hide the disability access people.


lbj2943 t1_j99awjt wrote

You're absolutely right. I think the movie "Sound of Metal" did a great job of giving me awareness on just how much able-bodied and disabled spaces are segregated. Deaf and hearing folk respectively should be allowed to enjoy art at the same time. Will our experiences be the same? No, but fuck it, who cares? We can coexist.