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GoodAndBluts t1_j9uegcm wrote

They are a bit shit compared to the Scottish ones (the originators of this tradition)

Chilly Connolly

David Plowie

For Your Ice Only

Gangsta Granny Gritter

Grit A Bit

Grit Expectations


Gritney Spears

Grittest Hits

Gritty Gritty Bang Bang

Han Snow-lo

I Want To Break Freeze

Luke Snowalker

Meltin' John

Plougher O’Scotland

Ready Spready Go

Sir Andy Flurry

Sir Grits A Lot

Sir Salter Scott

Slippy McGritty

Snowbegone Kenobi

Snowkemon Go

Spready Mercury


True Gritter

Yes Sir Ice Can Boogie