
GoodAndBluts t1_jeajipc wrote

The curve is a good one - in recent times it applies to automated driving, and how we were raving about it 5 years ago. You could even apply it to the concept of a metavers, were quite a few people (less cynical than me) were hyped for about the metaverse 12 months ago

This AI technology is astonishing - but it likely has some limitations that will come to light over the next months.

One possible one is the same as people say about AI Art - "it doesnt make anything new, it just rehashes other peoples work" - if there genuinely is a spark of creativity at the heart of good art and inventions... it isnt baked into something like chatGPT. Perhaps its better to think of it as something like electricity or air travel - it enables some neat things, but isnt very exciting until it is combined with human inginuity


GoodAndBluts t1_jdrd8q1 wrote

I am mid 50s, and will retire within the next 5 years (maybe sooner, maybe later, maybe it will be forced upon me since I am an older person in the software world). If I get laid off and have to retire because of GPT, so be it.

But... For the last few years it has haunted me that maybe my savings have to support me and my 2 children. Even before chatGPT I spent time wondering how exactly they will be able to make a good, secure living with things like automation and outsourcing eating away at their ability to make good money

I have been processing my thoughts on chatGPT and I am not sure it is the risk that everyone thinks it is - but even so, things are changing so rapidly - how can you pick a career - any career- and expect it is still going to be viable in 10 years?


GoodAndBluts t1_j9uegcm wrote

They are a bit shit compared to the Scottish ones (the originators of this tradition)

Chilly Connolly

David Plowie

For Your Ice Only

Gangsta Granny Gritter

Grit A Bit

Grit Expectations


Gritney Spears

Grittest Hits

Gritty Gritty Bang Bang

Han Snow-lo

I Want To Break Freeze

Luke Snowalker

Meltin' John

Plougher O’Scotland

Ready Spready Go

Sir Andy Flurry

Sir Grits A Lot

Sir Salter Scott

Slippy McGritty

Snowbegone Kenobi

Snowkemon Go

Spready Mercury


True Gritter

Yes Sir Ice Can Boogie


GoodAndBluts t1_j26noh1 wrote

I dont understand your answer - for two reasons

1- Why will AI contribute to soil depletion and supply chain breakages? I imagine those things would be much better and faster with AI

2- if you are obsolete, inventing some other task for yourself (gardening) is not going to help you escape obselesence - in fact there are already AI / automated farms

If you are saying you are going to grow stuff to create meaning in your life then that makes sense - I imagine we will all be doing the same (or be turned into soylent green)