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t1_j9s25vi wrote

Good for her, and for everyone who supported her!

I’m definitely wondering why all three freshmen quit for personal reasons at the same time though (or was that just implied?).


t1_j9s7nax wrote

They probably failed a report card check


t1_j9sds7y wrote

Or got caught w alcohol at a school event


t1_j9szcgp wrote

Kids these days. Cant even hide a transparent liquid from overworked staff..


t1_j9ufvyu wrote

My sister mixed up her vodka and water bottles and took a huge mouthful of vodka in her class once.

Kinda hard to play off 4 shots of vodka at once but she pulled it off.


t1_j9v6eqt wrote

Something similar happened while I was in school. Two girls in history were drunk by the time class started. I took the bottle from them and dumped it in the bathroom, then spent the rest of class trying to keep them from getting caught. The teacher knew something was up, but they got through. Unfortunately, they got caught in the next class and weren’t at school for a few days.


t1_j9vrhi4 wrote

A friend of mine had to sit through getting suspended high on mushrooms once.

I didn't go to a good high school lol


t1_j9wwevm wrote

Kid in the home room next to mine in the 90s came to school with a bottle of orange juice, except it was a screwdriver. Threw up during morning announcements.

He did t pull it off.


t1_j9u1r4u wrote

Right? What the hell?? Back in my day we would do shots during class and we got the teachers to do them with us!


t1_j9vcqp8 wrote

Yeah, doing shots at school these days has a different meaning.


t1_j9ua0hv wrote

Ugh they suspended me from school for two weeks and from sports for a semester because teachers caught me smoking weed in the woods during one of the tennis meets in high school.

Honestly, wouldn’t they want me to stay busy to “keep away” from drugs, instead they just gave me more time to fuck around


t1_j9wk1cw wrote

Liquid Lunch was the best. Sometimes known as Road Trip Rip..


t1_j9tbgsz wrote



t1_j9tcpb1 wrote

If you're going to make negative assumptions about teenage girls, consider the possibility that this girl and/or the coach might be so nasty that the others weren't enjoying the experience.

A bit suspicious that not a single other senior, junior, or sophomore was willing to be a cheerleader. Only 3 freshman who maybe thought it would be fun and then noped out.


t1_j9tvjxx wrote

I feel like the previous two comments were both negative assumptions as well tbh


t1_j9tw8xn wrote

Yeah, cheerleaders failing a report card or drinking is obviously expected behavior but a pregnancy comment is just plain fucked up, how dare they stereotype cheerleaders


t1_j9tv8tq wrote

My first thought was not very uplifting, lol. They probably quit because this one was being... uncivil.


t1_j9sop9f wrote

It was clearly a nerve-wracking experience (you can hear a wobble in her voice that isn't just from trying to shout as loud as a whole cheer squad) but she stuck to it and did an amazing job. Go Katrina! 🌟


t1_j9wyja4 wrote

I would have pisses myself in front of thousands of people so I think she did absolutely amazing on that front


t1_j9tlp8s wrote

I feel theres some serious context missing from this story but good on the girl for doing her thing, alone, at a state championship no less.


t1_j9uo182 wrote

What you feel is missing ?


t1_j9up40b wrote

Why was she the only one?


t1_j9upw7u wrote

It says they was a team of four, but others left for personal reasons.


t1_j9uqmu4 wrote

"personal reasons" hides the context of the situation. We could be applauding her courage for being there alone, when she could be the reason the other 3 left. Not saying that's what happened here, just that we don't know.


t1_j9usqw4 wrote

Chances are the other three got into trouble at school, or failed a test or something that disqualified them from extracurricular activities.


t1_j9v1iqi wrote

I doubt the coach would have supported her to go, if she was the reason others left.


t1_j9v8nn8 wrote

Eh, that's not really how this works though. Coaches job is to field a squad, not get in the middle of high school drama. Assuming coach doesn't have evidence of anything illegal or against school policy, coach is going to support the one remaining person still on the squad to compete.


t1_j9v2trh wrote

Unless the coach was her parent perhaps.


t1_j9v6ok6 wrote

You should read the article, you would see if the coach was her mother or not.


t1_j9xlo2i wrote

Tried to read the article, it wouldn’t let me because of Adblock blocking and so here I am scrolling comments trying to find context, but all I’m finding is sas..


t1_j9wd8o3 wrote

Team of four sounds just as ridiculous as one, for a cheerleader competition anyway.


t1_j9sn01g wrote

I'm too young to be a curmudgeon, but I'm well on my way , however this right here made me feel all happy, warm and fuzzy and now i don't know how to proceed LMAO


t1_j9sprhm wrote

This is wholesome AF. I'm glad she had a good time at state championships!


t1_j9scou9 wrote

It’s the stuff that movies are made of.


t1_j9udqu9 wrote

“Kohel ended up eighth out of the 12 squads in her division.” Four other squads performed poorly enough (it could even be something like not being synchronized) that they scored lower than this one-girl team. Let that be a lesson to you to always compete no matter what!


t1_j9tyki8 wrote

She also plays basketball volleyball and track, doing this solo cheer performance was awesome. She has a bright future, and with this publicity she hopefully caught the eye of any universities looking for a premium student. Hoping for the best for this Nebraska cheerleader!


t1_j9ta4yy wrote

Cheerleading is one of those sports where everyone tends to rally and support everyone else, especially in cheer competitions. Yes, there may be fierce competition for that team that you are evenly matched with and constantly swap victories, but if there is an injury or something tragic, teams don’t matter and they are there to support each other.

Some of the competitions we go to they have special needs teams and the entire arena claps along during the routine and gives a standing ovation.


t1_j9tgax1 wrote

Cheer mom here. This athlete is badass. She did an entire routine solo, and at a State competition no less. Bravo to her for a great performance and having the guts to pull it off alone on the mat.


t1_j9tq3of wrote

Damn. I can't imagine getting up there alone in front of all those people. What a fucking badass. I'm a woman in my 30s and I aspire to have an ounce of her confidence and bravery.


t1_j9td5g2 wrote

Before everybody gets too emotionally invested in this story, I suggest we hear from the 3 freshman who all mysteriously quit "for personal reasons". And maybe also all the sophomores, juniors, and senior girls who didn't even want to give cheerleading a try. Doesn't that sound a little odd to you?


t1_j9ub3yv wrote

I went to school near here and the schools are so small that most of the kids have to do all of the sports or else they wouldn’t have enough for a sports team. Cheerleading on top of that is just too much for a lot of people.


t1_j9tzobt wrote

From my read, it was this girl and just the Freshmen. Not Sophomores or Juniors.

Once the Freshmen dropped it was just her. And it sounds like they weren't that competitive. She finished 8th of 12 and that was their best showing in years.


t1_j9ueqj5 wrote

>From my read, it was this girl and just the Freshmen. Not Sophomores or Juniors.

That's what the person you're responding to said. They're pointing out how odd it is that not only did 3 freshman quit, but nobody else even wants to join.


t1_j9v2mdi wrote

I wanted to point out that there were no Sophomores or Juniors. Which is weird for a HS sport.


t1_j9uhdvo wrote

This is exactly how it was in my high school. The cheerleading coach was a tyrant and expected that, if you were a cheerleader, you wouldn't be in any other extracurricular activities or demanding electives like band or show choir. You couldn't join Student Council or National Honor Society. (Our pom-pon squad, which was a different thing, encouraged well-rounded participants and had to turn away auditioning girls every year.)

She disregarded safety protocols and wouldn't let a friend of mine call her parents when she hit her head. We thought it was retaliation because the girl had auditioned for a school play. Did I mention the woman's brother was a longtime school board member?

In a school of around 1,000 kids, the only senior cheerleaders left by my graduating class were her niece and a greatly disliked girl who always thought being a cheerleader would elevate her social status. It didn't.

Things have changed in the intervening years, but cheerleading was not a popular extracurricular choice at my school 20 years ago.


t1_j9w2qhi wrote

It's in the town of 900 people. I'm quite sure there's not 100 kids in the high school. They probably play six Man football


t1_j9w8183 wrote

If 3 freshman tried and then quit, that tells me there were another 3 sophs, 3 juniors, and 2 seniors that didn't even give it a shot. That's kind of telling.


t1_j9tszwu wrote

I thought the same thing - like maybe this one girl was absolutely horrible and everyone else bailed out because she was domineering and making the cheer team a toxic place.

Why do I have such a cold, bitter soul?


t1_j9u9p64 wrote

Because we've read feel good stories before but they turn out to be deceiving?


t1_j9sfyw8 wrote

What a gal! Who is the biggest cheerleading apparel company? Reddit should try to get her college paid for by them!


t1_j9sdpkc wrote

I’m not crying…YOU’RE crying! Ok??


t1_j9tbqdm wrote

It's okay to cry; stop fighting your emotions. Repression and denial are tools of fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate gets you stuck as Palpatine's gimp for twenty years.

Do you want to be Palpatine's gimp?!


t1_j9ufmb1 wrote

Similar thing happened to me in high school. The majority of our squad was caught drinking at the same event so they were suspended from performing. Me and a couple other nerds who weren’t at the event were forced to perform at basketball games while the suspended girls sat with our student section. It was embarrassing for us.


t1_j9uk0j2 wrote

I remember being a kid and having to do the halftime routine alone along with cheering the whole game, it was cold and none of the other girls showed up. I still to this day don’t know how I did it!


t1_j9ukicp wrote

Was the team just not there? Or they don’t have a team? I’m confused? State is for teams. Allstate is for individuals


t1_j9vnz2x wrote

I’ll bet her sister doesn’t have an article written about her that went viral.


t1_j9wl3sf wrote

I used to teach at this school and it is really exciting to see Katrina getting this kind of attention. The school graduated the most dedicated cheerleaders so it won’t surprise me if next year they don’t have a cheerleading team. My new district has 12 cheerleaders…


t1_j9wmqzu wrote

Anyone else getting like, anime vibe from this story. No seriously. Like she is 100% the protagonist.


t1_jaew0f4 wrote

The best part is she placed 8th out of 12 and it’s the highest the school has placed in years


t1_j9rxvwm wrote

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All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


t1_j9t62ti wrote

great. you can also send this to getmotivated.


t1_j9v57vt wrote

All types of courage are needed and this type will serve her well.


t1_j9vuuke wrote

This is amazing. Many would’ve dropped out of the competition. Good on her. Amazing young woman.


t1_j9vwqxg wrote

Would a top tier medical school please offer this remarkable, courageous young woman a full ride to nursing school? This is the kind of person you need/want in your program.


t1_j9w3wjm wrote

Good for her! So great that everyone cheered for her


t1_j9w9eo4 wrote

I love that people didn’t leave her hanging out there. So awesome.


t1_j9wybec wrote

Those freshmen probably wanted to go to State with the boy’s wrestling team. They’re with her twin.


t1_j9y9j1z wrote

What a great story. My favorite part of the article was “Kohel ended up eighth out of the 12 squads in her division. It was the highest the Lions had placed in the past three years.”


t1_j9ubvh0 wrote

I give her credit, but the competition could have been too advanced. Cheerleading is a sport that takes grit, skill, and talent. Even a smaller state could have Olympic-style competition. The others probably would have been embarrassed.
