Stacy_Ann_ t1_j9y2stj wrote
Reply to Why do people hate Godfather Part 3 by Wank_God_69
The recent cut is sub-subtitled "The Death Of Michael Corleone" and cuts out Michael's death scene. Anyone else notice that just before the helicopter attack, a guy locks the doors of the room... from the inside? Secretly suicidal conspirator, or sloppy filmmaking? I lean toward the latter.
It's a terrible rush job of a movie made by someone who didn't want to make it in the first place.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j9wqm0k wrote
I feel the 1998 remake of Psycho was an experimental film at heart. Sure, the experiment failed, but (as I see it) it doesn't mean it wasn't worth a try.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j9wpkzs wrote
I would love to see a faithful remake of Day Of The Dead, similar to Tom Savini's version of Night Of The Living Dead. It wouldn't have to be shot for shot, but it would be great to have one that told the same story in a more streamlined way. But I know it will never happen.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j9wm6an wrote
I'd go for the crowd showing.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j9rycxp wrote
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j9ounz2 wrote
Reply to Stephen King and unnatural dialougs? by [deleted]
Oh yeah. There was a relatively recent short story of his with a kid in it that was just a bit over the top with the adult thinking. It's definitely one of King's tendencies.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j2mlfy9 wrote
Reply to The auto-mod and (lack of) general moderation on this sub is an absolute joke. by thegreatself
I see what's going on now. The screenshot provided in the OP is revealing.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j2mko2o wrote
Reply to comment by GatoradeNipples in The auto-mod and (lack of) general moderation on this sub is an absolute joke. by thegreatself
I understand they are enthusiastic. I'm just describing the reality. I see five links in a row of one obscure young artist, and I think a bot is spamming. Therefore, I'm not clicking. At worst it looks like possible malware, at best it definitely looks like paid promotion. Either way, I'm ignoring it. And it seems I'm not the only one annoyed.
If this particular artist is great, post their best song or two, not everything they've recorded. It makes each song less special.
It's much like printing out many copies of a list of every song on your playlist and passing them out in public. It's nice that there's so much enthusiasm for music, but no one is really blown away by the fact someone says they like "The Final Countdown" and "Never Gonna Give You Up."
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j2mjh0c wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The auto-mod and (lack of) general moderation on this sub is an absolute joke. by thegreatself
Some people, like myself, are not clicking on them because it looks like you're a bot that's spamming the subreddit. Do you understand that? Others are methodically downvoting your posts, and soon some of them will be reporting your posts.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j2migr8 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The auto-mod and (lack of) general moderation on this sub is an absolute joke. by thegreatself
You've posted dozens already. If you're posting dozens and dozens of songs, then it's impossible to tell which ones you think are truly special. It looks like you're linking every song you've ever heard and halfway liked. I'm glad you like music. That's wonderful. But you don't need to post a link to every song you and your friends like. Just my opinion.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j2mhrmg wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The auto-mod and (lack of) general moderation on this sub is an absolute joke. by thegreatself
I've noticed it too, and haven't clicked on any of them. Honestly, it looks like you're a bot spamming malware links.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j2dfwlv wrote
Reply to Anyone else surprised that James Cameron was able to make a successful sequel to a 13yr old in this day and age. by I-am-Super-Serial
I am surprised too. But whether or not you were attracted to the material itself, you knew you were getting a AAA Hollywood Blockbuster with the original, and I guess the same thing was at play here. (I haven't seen the sequel.)
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j29siug wrote
Reply to How does a movie achieve to become a Cult Classic? Example, Flash Gordon (1980) by irkybirky
I think it looked surprisingly good in HD. Part of what it got right was the cliffhanger aspect. Every ten minutes or so someone is in terrible danger with no way out, but of course they do and the story races to the next point of danger. And Von Sydow is just 100% perfect casting as Ming.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j255835 wrote
5 - A personal favorite, regardless of objective quality
4.5 - An excellent film, solid on all levels and outstanding on one or more levels, has potential to become a favorite with a rewatch
4 - A very good film overall
3.5 - Enjoyable, possibly flawed on some levels or forgettable, but not a waste of time
3 - Mediocre. Good for the type of film it aspires to be but nothing truly special
2.5 - I can understand why some people would like it, or it has a few redeeming quality aspects, but overall has more bad than good
2 - Not a good movie but had one or two mildly redeeming aspects
1.5 - A bad movie with perhaps one or two aspects that weren't completely awful
1 - Terrible
0.5 - The worst of the worst, or ones that I stopped watching before the end. Something that went the extra mile when it comes to being bad
Stacy_Ann_ t1_j21yl0s wrote
Reply to Songs with Women Screaming? by KakashiKes
Paging Ms. Ono, Ms. Yoko Ono to the white courtesy phone.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_iybbb05 wrote
Another polka shoegaze techno record? Kids these days...
Stacy_Ann_ t1_iy6yine wrote
Star Trek 1 & 2 both have excellent scores imho.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_ixjwwma wrote
Reply to I just got kicked out of my band by [deleted]
I'm sorry this happened. I know it feels bad. I've had my own music and participation in playing it rejected by a few friends now. It sucks. Sometimes people just aren't into music in the same way even if they relate well otherwise.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_iuhpxmd wrote
Reply to Did I dream this movie? by matmat07
There's a live action movie called "City Of God" that sounds very similar to what you're describing.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_iu98tjw wrote
Reply to Going to movie theatre by yourself? by pandacat1900
Oh my goodness, I've gone to the movies alone a thousand times. There have been a number of times when I was the only one in the theater! People go to the movies alone all the time.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_ityet3i wrote
Reply to Cutting ties with Kanye by baconblowandhoes
Well, I'll have you know I was just escorted out of Crocs.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_itsn08s wrote
Reply to Best concert experiences by Frostyscreen1010
For me, the first one that comes to mind is Aerosmith, first of two nights in Atlanta during the Pump tour. It was a tight show, and Dream On was a highlight.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_itbox5j wrote
Reply to Suggestions?¿¿??? by Cursedforlust
It's past 1930, but Benny Goodman is the shit. "Sing Sing Sing" is a straight up awesome piece of music. Duke Ellington's "Caravan" and "Take The A Train" are also excellent. Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, Count Basie... there are some really good big bands out there. If you like rock music, check out Louis Jordan too.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_it583t5 wrote
Reply to comment by Scion_Manifest in Non-rap songs with very fast lyrics? by Scion_Manifest
I can sing Goin Down pretty comfortably. Even though a few lines are definitely a challenge I can still manage to get through the song all right. I've never been able to get through singing I've Been Everywhere, though. Some line always gets me tongue twisted and I have no idea how Johnny Cash manages to sing the chorus immediately afterwards like he does. I'm usually panting for breath at that point.
Stacy_Ann_ t1_ja8a641 wrote
Reply to Does anyone thinks the pacing of Everything, Everywhere, All at Once was a little off at the mid point? by jcgonzmo
I thought the pacing was way off, especially at the end, I agree.