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cybercuzco t1_j9ybgee wrote

We found his skeleton 23 years later.


AnxiousBeaver212 t1_j9yhjs1 wrote

Everyone knows you're supposed to put another kid into the hole in the wall to scare the other one out. Rookie mistake.


howard416 t1_j9ykkn6 wrote

Luckily it was never my turn to go into the hole


TheeExoGenesauce t1_j9zwpf3 wrote

Not original commenter but I have a story about getting “lost” at a young age. My mom had me outside with her while she was in her garden and lost track of me for a few minutes where I crawled/walked away. Later as she’s running yelling for me and going into full panic mode, my dog was barking nonstop. She kept yelling Buster shut up! Finally went over to get him and put him inside, only to find he was standing right next to me trying to get her attention. Great dog.