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Kuwing t1_ja3abkc wrote

People really love fluffy news about nothing to help them feel good about a war their own country started.


FaveDave85 t1_ja3obsz wrote

Ukraine started the war?


stiegosaurus t1_ja3qhx1 wrote

They sure did. They allowed NATO to expand into their country despite the minsk agreement. Do your research. They invited this conflict allowing the USA to dictate their best interests. It's time to wake up to reality. Ukraine is being used by the USA to do their dirty work. Does that make what Russia did acceptable? No. But there is history and context here.


FaveDave85 t1_ja5yq0t wrote

So you're saying Ukraine did things that angered Russia, therefore, the fault lies with Ukraine. Along the same lines, the US is also responsible for 9/11 then? Since their actions in the middle east angered muslim extremists?


stiegosaurus t1_ja3qa7p wrote

Exactly. It boggles my mind. People are eating up the propaganda like crazy.


Kuwing t1_ja4g5h8 wrote

People in the US know 0 history, 0 culture and love to feel things and wave flags around without even taking the slightest moment to think for themselves and figure out whats going on. It's a culture that seemingly has forfeited it's own freedom to think. Just gobble up all the clips your smart phones feed you. Reminds me of the Batman movie with Jim Carey as the Riddler and Tomy Lee Jones. Smh


stiegosaurus t1_ja4gspl wrote

Could not agree more. A society totally pacified by their phones flowing nonstop propaganda. The fact that no one seems to do their own research into this topic mystifies me. It blows my mind most don't know anything pre February 24 2022 about this conflict. I'm just glad there is a logical pulse out there from people like you. Living with these NPC's is rough.


Kuwing t1_ja4hxzi wrote

Stay strong man :), I appreciate you
