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Beanbag_Ninja OP t1_ja0laxq wrote

A year ago, I saw this post:

...and decided to set a reminder for a year’s time to check up on how this young couple, Yaryna Arieva and Sviatoslav Fursin, are doing.

I am pleased to see that they are still kicking. They’ve now left the volunteer defence force, Yaryna is learning to code, Sviatoslav graduated university, and they have a cat!


Traveledfarwestward t1_ja0myz6 wrote

Haha same here!

So happy they're still alive and together!


DogWallop t1_ja3gl2d wrote

I'm thrilled to hear their story, and successes. Their success is Ukraine's success, and they will be the youth who rebuild their country, ten times stronger than it was before the war.


MacbookOnFire t1_ja2t8e1 wrote

Men can leave the defense force in the middle of a war?


Lo10bee t1_ja2vtr0 wrote

Actually reading the article was a great way to get all the information. After Russia withdrew from Kyiv the military decided they needed to become more professional, so volunteers were let go unless they had previous military experience.


Edarneor t1_ja3gn0j wrote

It's just the opposite of Russia, who declared mobilization in autumn and drafted 300k mostly untrained people. And, according to Putin's order, once you're in you CAN'T legally be let go, until wounded or dead. There's just no way out. Ridiculous


InaMellophoneMood t1_ja2v6kj wrote

If you're in a militia, not the military, it makes sense. I assume they could still get drafted into the military proper, but local defence of Kyiv or other cities far from the front is not as pressing of a need as last year.


WhichSpirit t1_ja1hdzh wrote

They are aging their relationship in dog years. They're going to be that sweet old couple that have been together forever and always anticipate each other's needs by year 5.


alexanderpas t1_ja2akjl wrote

And any hardship they ever encounter, will get answered with a simple phrase:

> "We got trough the war together, we can get trough this too"


DevAstral t1_ja2pkfx wrote

Unless it’s Mario Kart.


Mahgenetics t1_ja2uet9 wrote

Or monopoly


ABob71 t1_ja33jtu wrote

or running from a bear


jepensedoucjsuis t1_ja3f16h wrote

I just need to briskly walk for 2-3 minutes. My wife will decide she'd rather get eaten by the bear and stop running.

That's why I never bought bear spray.


GuerrillaChicken t1_ja3yk5r wrote

Look at me in my eyes and believe me... If you blue shell me one more time I'm divorcing your ass


DevAstral t1_ja47l5a wrote

Once, my wife was playing 200cc trying to get all gold trophies.

She got blue shelled 10m from the finish line just like in the memes, and proceeded to jump up on the couch screaming “SUCK MY HAIRY DIIIIICK”.


Gallowboobs_smol_pp t1_ja2sgf9 wrote

Why is Reddit like this?


J_spec6 t1_ja3c5ac wrote

Would you rather it be like Facebook or Twitter? No thank you 🤢


Gallowboobs_smol_pp t1_ja3m8kj wrote

The fact that this is a common sentiment around here, tells me that Reddit is EXACTLY like Facebook and Twitter.


Raskolnikovs_Axe t1_ja2ykd8 wrote

They probably prefer not to be reminded of the war that has destroyed their country, and into which they were forced, but the picture of them in this post kind of kicks ass.


cereselle t1_ja1e4e0 wrote

Oh I'm so glad to hear that! I couldn't remember their names, so I didn't know how to search them, but I've thought about them a few times this last year and hoped they were okay.


Umsakis t1_ja29tt6 wrote

There was another guy from Kyiv here on Reddit whose friends had all left the city and he had taken in all their pets to care for them. Multiple cats and dogs IIRC. I’ve been thinking about him once in a while over the year but I can’t remember his username. I really want to know how he and the animals are doing.


pricygoldnikes t1_ja1iqy4 wrote

This comment makes you seem like a super cute and genuine person


cereselle t1_ja39s86 wrote

Oh wow, you made me tear up! Thank you, internet friend!


SLDH1980 t1_ja0zfcn wrote

The couple that slays Russians together, lives forever.


SignificantHippo8193 t1_ja10i3n wrote

It's good to know that a war hasn't dampened their love for one another. Let's hope this war ends soon and they can enjoy it without the specter of bloodshed hanging over them.


Valkyrie5984 t1_ja2p64t wrote

Aw...what a lovely couple, I wish them all the happiness and prosperity together...and their cute lil kitty!💕🐈‍⬛


Iwasgunna t1_ja37p21 wrote

I have heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest, but this is definitely the extreme version of that idea.


Stock-Salamander-579 t1_ja4gskq wrote

Lots of Russian trolls in here. Rest assured, we all love better than you do with babushka. Fuck all Russians who support this war.


hawkbit92 t1_ja2yqsl wrote

It's heartwarming to see them still together, but at the same time, this made me tear up.


soylent_greener t1_ja3a5vx wrote

The couple that slays together stays together.


AutoModerator t1_ja0l80l wrote

Reminder: this subreddit is meant to be a place free of excessive cynicism, negativity and bitterness. Toxic attitudes are not welcome here.

All Negative comments will be removed and will possibly result in a ban.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


SithLordius t1_ja3e5o5 wrote

Of course they are! They're not Hollywood celebrities.


CarlosFer2201 t1_ja84ss4 wrote

That's great. I think there was another couple in a very similar situation that also made the news, but they got killed early in the war supposedly.


kingholio6092 t1_ja3f79z wrote

That’s some good war propaganda


Kuwing t1_ja39msp wrote

Along with the thousands of other couples, on both sides of the boarder that statistically probably also got married during the same hows this relevant?


[deleted] t1_ja12kpt wrote



Kuwing t1_ja3abkc wrote

People really love fluffy news about nothing to help them feel good about a war their own country started.


FaveDave85 t1_ja3obsz wrote

Ukraine started the war?


stiegosaurus t1_ja3qhx1 wrote

They sure did. They allowed NATO to expand into their country despite the minsk agreement. Do your research. They invited this conflict allowing the USA to dictate their best interests. It's time to wake up to reality. Ukraine is being used by the USA to do their dirty work. Does that make what Russia did acceptable? No. But there is history and context here.


FaveDave85 t1_ja5yq0t wrote

So you're saying Ukraine did things that angered Russia, therefore, the fault lies with Ukraine. Along the same lines, the US is also responsible for 9/11 then? Since their actions in the middle east angered muslim extremists?


stiegosaurus t1_ja3qa7p wrote

Exactly. It boggles my mind. People are eating up the propaganda like crazy.


Kuwing t1_ja4g5h8 wrote

People in the US know 0 history, 0 culture and love to feel things and wave flags around without even taking the slightest moment to think for themselves and figure out whats going on. It's a culture that seemingly has forfeited it's own freedom to think. Just gobble up all the clips your smart phones feed you. Reminds me of the Batman movie with Jim Carey as the Riddler and Tomy Lee Jones. Smh


stiegosaurus t1_ja4gspl wrote

Could not agree more. A society totally pacified by their phones flowing nonstop propaganda. The fact that no one seems to do their own research into this topic mystifies me. It blows my mind most don't know anything pre February 24 2022 about this conflict. I'm just glad there is a logical pulse out there from people like you. Living with these NPC's is rough.


Kuwing t1_ja4hxzi wrote

Stay strong man :), I appreciate you


dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_ja1ma6r wrote

China is currently committing genocide


vrenak t1_ja26kc9 wrote

You want a list of countries doing that, or are you just trying to distract from the current topic?


dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_ja2873n wrote

Neither, just providing news.

I dislike crimes against humanity.

I already have that list anyway


vrenak t1_ja29qf5 wrote

That's not news, even the most strict sense of genocide has them doing this for over a decade, the normal term, they have been doing it for centuries.

Only the perpetrators likes it. But interrupting a discussion with old news is counterproductive and plays into perpetrators hands.


rafael-a t1_ja35hja wrote

What? Interrupting discussions? What are you talking about this is a Reddit comment section on a post about a picture of a couple with AKs, here is nor the UN.


dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_ja2a4n4 wrote

Old doesn’t mean okay or accepted


vrenak t1_ja2abcu wrote

That wasn't suggested, but by derailing the discussion by bringing it up you're underhandedly supporting it. Hopefully unwittingly.


[deleted] t1_ja1z78o wrote



Kuwing t1_ja39w7p wrote

Wish I could give gold for this


jard18 t1_ja25uql wrote

What do you think Russian soldiers do when they spot civilians carrying guns like these? RIP


-firead- t1_ja2ydhv wrote

From the footage from reports it seems like plenty of unarmed civilians were killed and/or raped, so likely the same things but with a higher chance of ending up dead before they are able to.


jard18 t1_ja9gh76 wrote

True. But still you have much higher chances of surviving and not being abused by the Russian army as a civilian if don't try to shoot them! This is suicide and should not me romanticized at all


Devium44 t1_ja4x68a wrote

Yeah these people should stop fighting subjugation and just let the Russians take over their country already! /s

fucking boot licker


jard18 t1_ja9g0jb wrote

It's not the whole country; it's Crimea and Donbas region, where the vast majority of people speak Russian and voted for pro Russian president before the coup in 2014. This is the way to go for the people, as Elon Musk suggested. The other option is essentially incentivise young people to commit suicide. You think civilians with guns are cool... It's suicide. This is not a movie.


Devium44 t1_ja9hr58 wrote

Russia has been sending dissidents into those areas for years to sway perception that they are more pro-Russian than they are. Once those areas are under Russian control, Putin will move onto others. He’s following the plan laid out in Foundation of Geopolitics. Plus, if it was just about those regions, why are they pushing to Kiev?

Bottom line: Ukraine is a sovereign nation and Russia invaded. How would you react if a foreign nation invaded your country?


jard18 t1_ja9idyj wrote

Russian invading Kiev is an excellent point. But the dissidents being what made the difference in the election in Crimea/Donbas before the war is far fetched. Have a look at the battle field news from non-Western medias in those places. India Times for instance.


jard18 t1_ja9im65 wrote

>Ukraine is a sovereign nation

Virtually all country borders in the world have been defined by war