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t1_jblstaw wrote

Ironically, gender inequality was one of the biggest problems in Ukraine before the invasion.

When hopefully Ukraine has it's freedom back and the invader outside the door it's very important that these things change in the country if they succesfully want to be part of the modern civilized European society.

Many countries victim of a war don't make these cultural switches to the 21st century and fall back 100 years. Corruption rises, conservative outdated ideas and favouritism shine and the often 'new' democracy dies a quick death. Countless of examples in Asia (Pakistan, India, Iran etc), Africa ( Syria, Libya etc), South America (Suriname, Brazil etc).

Countries like Czechia, Estonia, Poland etc have made these switches after the fall of the ussr/iron curtain and have become modern countries. Latvia, Kazachstan etc did not. Same with countries after the Yuguslav war. Kroatia became a very modern free 21st century country. Serbia did not.

If the majority of the Ukrainian population believes that issues like gender inequality (or corruption, government control or economic inequality) are minor issues, then Ukraine could fall back to a ussr like country way worse than the already bad situation prior to the war.

Don't get me wrong. Gender inequality is on a complete different level than a war and all of the terror that comes with it. But nothing is on the same level as a war. Gender inequality is not a minor issue. If you believe it is, then you should go live in Iran or Pakistan.


t1_jbohzi1 wrote

When times get tough, and you're fighting for your life, some things come into focus.

I doubt that anyone cares about the fact that the people fighting against their country's invasion are not equally represented in terms of gender.