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TheSlartey t1_jbp47sz wrote

How do you "dodge" a hurricane with a large land mass?

Edit: lol downvoting because people would rather keep being incorrect than change their vocabulary. Sad.

Dodge: To avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.


Zeal391 t1_jbp4dwt wrote

Its a figure of speech..................................

You must be fun at parties.


Iz-kan-reddit t1_jbriwzb wrote

My ex-girlfriend wound up stabbing her new boyfriend two weeks after they got together.

Damn, you really dodged a bullet there.

Popular usage dictates definitions.


justwondering117 t1_jbrqjzd wrote

Actually he used it correctly. Usage dictates language, not some arbitrary rule you claim is "right". We all understood him, and you did too. Don't be a pendant.


FreyrPrime t1_jbpq7cw wrote

A close call is probably more accurate. I live on the gulf side and Cuba acts like an enormous shield normally. Most Hurricane's gut themselves on Cuba's mountains and fail to regain enough strength to really be a threat to my area of the gulf coast.

However, occasionally they linger in the gulf for a crazy amount of time and then slam into my neck of the woods, like Ian did.

Honestly, Ian wouldn't have been awful had it not been moving so slow. 6-8 hours of sustained category 4+ winds is what did it (if you didn't get storm surged). My house didn't start taking wind damage till well after the 4 hour mark.