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Zeal391 t1_jbolifi wrote

As someone that lives in south Florida… we’ve dodged a lot of hurricanes these past couple years. I’m perfectly with dodging some more.

I don’t think you people realize how terrible it is to not have air conditioning in the summer in south Florida. It’s so hot and humid. The air is literally wet


darkbro66 t1_jbonq7g wrote

Don't worry, it's going to get way way worse over the next couple decades!


the_JerrBear t1_jbop38q wrote

consider yourself fortunate that the AC is your main problem


dewpacs t1_jbp82ru wrote

It's not. Guy lives in south Florida. Whether they know it or not, AC is least of their problems


the_JerrBear t1_jbpcat0 wrote

yeah, i used to live in south florida too. fact is there's people who have already been hit worse than just their AC - something to remember when saying things like "so and so that i've never met doesn't understand how tough i got it"


FreyrPrime t1_jbppic8 wrote

Ian was the worst storm I've seen in my 40 years.. I've never evacuated for any of them, but I definitely turned to my wife as the storm surge was rolling down my street and said "we probably should've gone to my sisters..."


ACorania t1_jbowu8e wrote

That's why we don't choose to live in a place as beautiful as south Florida. I love visiting... normally in December when the weather is like a hot summer day from what I am used to. But you couldn't pay me enough to live there.


Zeal391 t1_jboxipa wrote

I didn’t choose to live here lol…

But I will be moving away once I finish my undergraduate


dramignophyte t1_jboqud1 wrote

Did hurricane Ian not count?


Zeal391 t1_jbothfm wrote

Believe it or not we felt nothing. It was a typical rainy day


dramignophyte t1_jbov35x wrote

My house got leveled to the foundation.


FreyrPrime t1_jbpppqg wrote

Fort Myers or Sannibel? I'm in Fort Myers, just south of downtown, and we had storm surge coming down our street, but luckily no water in the house.

Ian was the worst storm I've seen in my 40 years in FL.

I'm really sorry for you loss.


dramignophyte t1_jbpuuk6 wrote

Fort myers beach itself. I was at my dads inland a bit and we still almost died when the water rose until a foot from entering the attic with us all in there.

Hopefully you're doing well! Im thriving I think. We will fond out if my new buisness is solvent in a couple of months lol.


FreyrPrime t1_jbpviog wrote

Fort Myers Beach! That's intense. I'm glad you and yours are doing well, because I've never seen anything like Fort Myers Beach after Ian.

As a kid I remember driving through Homestead after Andrew, and I don't remember the kind of devastation I saw on the beach.


dramignophyte t1_jbq0zu1 wrote

Yeah, the beach got extra special screwed. To the point people are genuinely unaware how bad it was for the most part. They know things were bad in a lot of Florida, but the beach was on a whole other level. I sold the ice cream from the hot dog cart on the beach walking along the water. Who knows if that will ever be a thing again. My boss was at the shop and had to knock the tiles out of the ceiling and stick his head in the rafters to no drown. He stood in water up to his chin for 6 hours. He said hes working on getting things going again. I didn't wait to hold my breath. I moved back to Michigan to become a lapidary, I cut gemstones, or as I like to say: I'm a professional stoner now.


FreyrPrime t1_jbpp7nc wrote

Dodged.. Ian didn't feel like a dodge from Fort Myers, FL!


TheSlartey t1_jbp47sz wrote

How do you "dodge" a hurricane with a large land mass?

Edit: lol downvoting because people would rather keep being incorrect than change their vocabulary. Sad.

Dodge: To avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.


Zeal391 t1_jbp4dwt wrote

Its a figure of speech..................................

You must be fun at parties.


Iz-kan-reddit t1_jbriwzb wrote

My ex-girlfriend wound up stabbing her new boyfriend two weeks after they got together.

Damn, you really dodged a bullet there.

Popular usage dictates definitions.


justwondering117 t1_jbrqjzd wrote

Actually he used it correctly. Usage dictates language, not some arbitrary rule you claim is "right". We all understood him, and you did too. Don't be a pendant.


FreyrPrime t1_jbpq7cw wrote

A close call is probably more accurate. I live on the gulf side and Cuba acts like an enormous shield normally. Most Hurricane's gut themselves on Cuba's mountains and fail to regain enough strength to really be a threat to my area of the gulf coast.

However, occasionally they linger in the gulf for a crazy amount of time and then slam into my neck of the woods, like Ian did.

Honestly, Ian wouldn't have been awful had it not been moving so slow. 6-8 hours of sustained category 4+ winds is what did it (if you didn't get storm surged). My house didn't start taking wind damage till well after the 4 hour mark.