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Explorers_bub t1_jcwpc3z wrote

Too steep. Compliance pencil pusher or ambulance chaser going to make you tear it down and not care how long there is no replacement despite the lowered quality of life.


Baldr_Torn t1_jcxkjbb wrote

I haven't done it myself, but I knew some people who had a group who built a wheelchair ramp every month. I'm not sure how they decided on who they were going to help, but they provided all the manpower (and did it as a group) and all the material. They do this in the Dallas area.

And from the pictures I've seen from them, I think you are right. I think this is too steep. I don't know if the law will force them to take it out from a house, but it wouldn't be allowed in a public building, and it isn't ideal for use in a home. (Though it may be much, much better than the stairs they had before.)

I also have started using a wheelchair myself recently. I mostly walk with a cane, but I can't walk far or stand for long, so a wheelchair gives me options I wouldn't have otherwise.

That ramp looks like the roughly the same angle as the steep part of my driveway. I can get up it, but barely. I'm actively using that to build up my upper body strength, much like lifting weights. Resistance training. I'll roll up it, then back down, then up again. Sometimes I more or less just rock back and forth, going forward a foot or so, then back again, then up a foot again. It's surprising to me how hard it is to power myself in a wheel chair very far or long, so I'm trying to build up more strength.