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Ikarus124 t1_jcydttv wrote

The Biden administration has approved hundreds of millions of dollars to expand access to mental healthcare, but by all means, please make a sassy comment based on nothing. Public displays of awareness on a large scale like this are a vital component of getting people help.


PigeonsArePopular t1_jcyj7zu wrote

Cite a source , speaking of being based on nothing

And then I will ask if one can say the same about his predecessor 😎


Ikarus124 t1_jcythtw wrote

“Speaking of being based on nothing”, that is not an appropriate response since it was based on fact, nice try though. Google it, as you should have done originally.


PigeonsArePopular t1_jcyxro0 wrote

"You should google support for my argument"


Ikarus124 t1_jczxrqg wrote

Its not an argument, it’s a fact. The sky is blue, shall I list my sources? It’s not my job to educate you. You posted an ill informed comment. Spend less time on Reddit and more time researching the topics you feel compelled to comment on.


PigeonsArePopular t1_jd2g9r0 wrote

It's a fact in support of an argument and if you are too cool/lazy to find it, that's on you

Other dude came through. Sorry you are so tired