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Headoutdaplane t1_jd4i6ky wrote

How bout push for an increase the budget of the NPS while you're at it?


Groundbreaking_War52 t1_jd4k10c wrote

In 2022 it received an extra $200 million ~ an increase of 6.5% over the previous year.

This year Biden has proposed an increase of $260 million over 2022 levels.

The NPS budget has increased by 26% over the last decade - accounting for inflation, it is still averaging a 5% increase.


Seth_Gecko t1_jd5v1rv wrote

They've gotten significant increases over the last 10 years. Maybe do a modicum of research before whinging about something?


Headoutdaplane t1_jd64b2z wrote

Whinging? Fuckin' awesome! watch a little too much Letterkenney?

The NPS is woefully underfunded no matter how much they have increased the budget. Parks and monuments do not have the personnel or facilities to handle the increased visitors, buildings and infrastructure are in decay. It is pretty apparent if you visit the parks. Park staff do a good job for the resources they have, but staffing parks is getting harder as folks want to realize they want to get paid even for a job they love.
