Submitted by NotACapedCrusader1 t3_y13m1a in UpliftingNews
Single_Pick1468 t1_irvn5ot wrote
Now go rescue all the cows, pigs, chickens, salmons etc.
Terpomo11 t1_irvxgnq wrote
Says a lot that this is downvoted. Opposing this treatment of dogs is sensible, but opposing it while not caring about those other animals is just sheer ethnocentric hypocrisy.
Cappylovesmittens t1_irvy1nv wrote
Ethnocentric means ethnicity preference, which is not what we’re talking about here when discussing different species of animal.
Terpomo11 t1_irvzjma wrote
I'm talking about how different cultures have different standards about different animal species.
m3ngnificient t1_irw9m2b wrote
That's very true and also the base of my argument whenever someone talks about how some Asian cultures eat dogs and how that's cruel. I eat beef, pork, etc., but I was raised in India. A lot of people there think of eating meat similar to how people think of others eat dogs over here. My community isn't restricted on vegetarian diet, so when I eat meat, some people looked at me weird or downright told me how disgusting it looks to them.
NovaCain t1_irx8xxc wrote
It's not their culture to eat dog, it's the fact they're impoverished. People in Africa also eat dog and that's more of a cultural thing than it is in Asian countries.
m3ngnificient t1_irxdis6 wrote
Yeah, and I'm not denying there are other communities that eat dogs and cats. And yes, a lot of it is due to poverty, but whether it's due to poverty or historical/religious significance, if a majority of the community finds it acceptable to practice something, it's part of their culture. People don't see a dog and associate them as an extension of their family, they see an animal that's got meat on it. Same way a lot of Indians see cows and they associate it as a sacred animal and not a food source.
[deleted] t1_irw5gbm wrote
NoGodsNoJanitors t1_irw5hvm wrote
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Single_Pick1468 t1_irwbi6t wrote
And you are walking freely every day?
NoGodsNoJanitors t1_irwmt1k wrote
Don't be so Sinophobic
sanitation123 t1_irvu0l8 wrote
Not sarcastically, but "we eat those" tends to prioritize which animals we save and which animals we are okay with treating poorly.
fantasticgaytroll t1_irvwnk2 wrote
Pigs are as smart as dogs
sanitation123 t1_irvwtn6 wrote
My comment was not about measuring animal intelligence. It was only to say that humans are good at mental gymnastics to say "dog is good, should be treated good" and "pig is food, don't care about treatment".
fantasticgaytroll t1_irvxxui wrote
Oh totally, did not want to imply that you said anything like that. Just makes me sad generally!
[deleted] t1_irvy0jt wrote
NoGodsNoJanitors t1_irw5976 wrote
So's ur fuggin nan and I'd eat her too
YouJustSaidButFuck t1_irvxgeo wrote
And more delicious!
fantasticgaytroll t1_irvxzof wrote
Im gon bite you next
YouJustSaidButFuck t1_irw09jl wrote
I hear long pig tastes just like pig too. So I'll bet I'm tasty.
fantasticgaytroll t1_irwhh4b wrote
Aaron_Hungwell t1_irw6rfn wrote
And tastier!
Bornchillbrah t1_irxiubm wrote
Everything can be justified by "but MmmMMmMM BACON!" in their eyes. It's baffling.
Radio_Flyer t1_irw2hd4 wrote
Go vegan! 💪🌱
NoGodsNoJanitors t1_irw5k7w wrote
That is a very false representation of a vegan's bicep.
Single_Pick1468 t1_irwbaji wrote
game changer documentary disagree and r/veganfitness
Radio_Flyer t1_irx362a wrote
I'm 100% vegan and every week I bike over 100 miles, rock climbing gym 2-3 days, play bike polo 1-2 nights for hours, skateboard, jog 1-3 mornings, play the drums, and walk my dog constantly.
Let's see your bicep
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