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Juls7243 t1_iux3izl wrote

Why? How?

Did the homeless veterans all die or were they housed? Pieces of information like this aren't helpful or meaningful as they don't give you a sense of whats actually happening.


Tritiumtree t1_iuynrwv wrote

To get homeless veterans into permanent homes, the Obama administration used a program that was created in 2008 and combines rental assistance from HUD with
case management and clinical services from the VA. Nearly 90,000 so-called HUD-VASH vouchers have been awarded, with $635 million appropriated for vouchers from 2008 to 2016.


[deleted] t1_iux4n1o wrote



baphometromance t1_iuxc35d wrote

Yes but the data lacks nuance. If all the homeless veterans killed themselves you could say vet homlessness had dropped by 100%. We need data on what caused them to stop being homeless to extract true meaning from this.