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t1_iw8wsok wrote

Probably because they've(S.Korea and Japan) been enemies themselves for a long time. Japan has a history of doing some really shitty stuff.


t1_iw8zq21 wrote

Yep, and South Korea still hasn’t forgiven them for those atrocities


t1_iw92rt9 wrote

Mostly because of Japan's non apologies


t1_iw951cc wrote

I guess you can forgive someone who has done that without an apology but seems like it should be a point towards Sainthood.


t1_iw978qk wrote

Yes and no. When previous Japanese prime ministers (not sure where the current one stands) have actively denied it happening, and have gone to the graves of generals who participated in what happened, you can understand why they don't want to publicly forgive Japan.


t1_iw9dj81 wrote

Oh for sure I understand. They could apologize 1000 times and I still wouldn't forgive them. But that's just me.


t1_iw97cxs wrote



t1_iw9jykq wrote

Holy ignorance batman


t1_iw9l8wq wrote



t1_iw9p283 wrote

The history between South Korea (or just Korea as a whole) and Japan goes way back before the US was ever involved, most of it not being great to say the least. Not only is what you said incorrect but also demeaning.


t1_iw9quwa wrote

Oh, I know about the Japanese Fascism, I know some of the atrocities they made there and stopped studying because it was making feel sick. I also know about the Korean War that the US colonized the South and never left.

I still ask: does the South Korea still hold grudge against Japan? They seem more angry about their brothers in the north than the nation that enslaved them.


t1_iwam1fn wrote

> I also know about the Korean War that the US colonized the South and never left.

What are you even talking about

> Does the South Korea still hold grudge against Japan?


> They seem more angry about their brothers in the north than the nation that enslaved them.

"More angry" isn't the right way to describe it. North Korea poses an active military threat against South Korea so this agreement with Japan is more of a strategic decision. South Korea's conflict with Japan is of a different nature, dealing with contrition and some territorial claims. Trying to compare SK's relationship between the two is apples to oranges.


t1_iwap67y wrote

South Korea behaves like an US colony, even letting them have a military bases on their soil.

North Korea hold no grudge against South Korea, their grudge is against the government that bombed the country and devastated all cities they could find. Their grudge is against a genocidal country that is installed in South Korea.

And again, the alliance with Japan is just a colony obeying its daddy.


t1_iwapnlv wrote

Okay, now I know for sure you're a troll. Got me there bud


t1_iwbnbu4 wrote

“Oh, no! This guy makes me question the status quo! Oh, yes, he must be a troll, that is it!”