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CattleAlternative251 t1_izij586 wrote

How is this an Uplifting News?


moistrain t1_izklodu wrote

Yeah but it's Texas. This targets trans kids and the legislation itself reads like dystopian bullshit. You're really fooling yourself if you think this is about kids health. It's about censorship and isolating queer kids, the same thing they've been doing all year with their anti-lgbt legislation.


SereneDreams03 t1_izkm76c wrote

I haven't read much into the story myself, besides this article, I was just pointing out why some may seeing it as uplifting news.

How specifically does it target trans kids though?


moistrain t1_izldd0v wrote

Online communities are often all we have, especially when you're in bigoted communities like that. Friends, discord, reddit, or other resources; these things save lives, no joke. By forcing kids off the internet, you take that away. And considering how Texas has been ramping up their nonsense against queers, this is gonna be a big deal. It benefits no one except the texan establishment.


SereneDreams03 t1_izlf0xx wrote

Yeah, I can understand that, it definitely could be isolating for teens that have no one like themselves to talk to, especially living in bigoted communities as you pointed out.

It would not be a law I would support, even though I do think their are a lot of negative effects of social media, especially for teens. I'm not sure what the answer is, but this bill does seem to go too far, and thank you for pointing out some of the possible motivations behind it.


moistrain t1_izlisnb wrote

For sure. I know social media is also another horrid beast to tackle, but this simply is not the way.


Gizshot t1_izkxbs1 wrote

because then theyre forced to communicate with people around them


moistrain t1_izldgx6 wrote

Nah, that they'll have to talk to shit people who don't support them instead of supportive communities that let them escape that shit for a sec (source: my many texan friends)


Tess_Tickle8 t1_izis8ma wrote

There may be hope for the new generation, less addicted and more of an attention span than 20 seconds


Mydogroach t1_izjget1 wrote

also less informed. the vast majority of information that people collect and consume comes from social media, in one form or another.

this is horrible news. classic authoritarian saying what you can or cant do.


rocsage_praisesun t1_izjt5ut wrote

>also less informed. the vast majority of information that people collect and consume comes from social media, in one form or another.

a number of people, myself included, think that's precisely the issue.


jps4851 t1_izjwqhp wrote

What are your thoughts about it that make it “the issue?”

Just curious on your take here. Social media has many, many positive benefits when serving as a news type of outlet. Think of a wiki - a crowdsource of unbiased knowledge that’s not being funneled from just one individual. The same could be said about social media. It’s a collective “media” with tons of different perspectives of the same situation.

Aside from all the dancers, fitfluencers, and MLM baddies, social media can be a great thing.


rocsage_praisesun t1_izjxyn2 wrote

>Aside from all the dancers, fitfluencers, and MLM baddies, social media can be a great thing.

guess who puts on the best shows to court these malleable minds, a nawledge dispenser flaunting lambo, or credible news reporters, if the latter even exists on instagram/twitter?


jps4851 t1_izjyd3c wrote

That’s the thing. They aren’t getting news and knowledge from the people flaunting lambos. They are getting “news” from people recording things literally on the streets.

You never answered my question, either.


rocsage_praisesun t1_izk0ir4 wrote

to answer your question, then, which I thought you answered yourself.


social media UGC is largely unregulated, and similar to how traditional media's de-regulation caused the programming and public discourse to become increasingly radicalized over the years, is infested with substandard and often outright harmful content disseminated with malicious intent, including but not limited to the MLM you described.


look, I'm no fan of the bible belt or its pron-tweet liking senator, but I highly doubt social media would be a sufficient or adequate remedy, if not another plague in and of itself.


evilchrisdesu t1_izjt2v5 wrote

If you're only getting your news from social media that is a huge problem and not justification for something that causes irreparable mental harm. Especially to children
