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SpectralMagic t1_izow2kw wrote

[Imaginary transcription] LabTech1: "Hey, Joe how can we test this thing; we aren't cleared to do human trials for another 7 months?"

Joe: "Oh. My aunt's dog is suffering a rare melanoma so they gave it the green light"

LabTech1: "Ok, cool haha!"


Diplodocus114 t1_izoy7zy wrote

Find that strange in prnciple. By law if you go into a pharmacy and admit the medication is for your dog they are legally obligated to refuse you.

Am an ex pharmacy worker and dog owner. You need to get exactly the same thing from the vet for 5 X the price.


thepigfish82 t1_izp09mc wrote

60 minutes recently had an episode where they were doing trials to treat the same cancer in a dog and a human, I think with listeria. Both participants died from said cancer (it was in the brain and surgery, chemo had already failed).


tessomilker t1_izp8aht wrote

They might mean that vets are legally obligated to prescribe an on-label veterinary specific medication if it’s available (e.g. Clavulox which is specifically for animals instead of Augmentin). For many medications (Valium included) there isn’t a veterinary alternative, so you can get the generic from a human pharmacy and use it off-label. Source: am a vet.


Ehtacs t1_izp8ods wrote

Ditto. After a conveniently timed checkup at the vet, they prescribed some Trazodone for my mutt for July 4th. Script filled by Walgreens and "Dog" was the middle name of the patient. I chatted with the pharmacist and she said it wasn't unusual especially at that time of year... And it was like $7 for like 15 doses.


drmcsinister t1_izpej05 wrote

>Their median survival time was about five months, compared to the two to three months for dogs that receive traditional chemotherapy

That's like 35 months in human years.


IHaveToPoopy t1_izpxk8u wrote

This isn’t true? I call in medications for my canine patients to pharmacies daily. Pharmacies also market to pet owners now specifically for pet meds. If there is not a pet specific medication made for something I prescribe a human medication for a dog/cat to be picked up at a pharmacy or at the clinic.


robotdandrews t1_izqnqa5 wrote

We should just stop right there. Save all the pups!


ca1ibos t1_izs4r0g wrote

My Westie has been prescribed Xanax for Halloween……and the tiny little fecker acts like its nothing whereas the exact same dose (that i’ve been prescribed in the past) can and does have me starting to stagger and slur my words and want to go to sleep.

Seeing as they were a waste of time for Dexter and spending the night in the TV room with the volume up and all doors closed works better for his fireworks anxiety, well it meant I had an emergency stash of xanax for myself that I didn’t need to pay a €60 GP visit fee to get for myself.


mhall812 t1_izslllw wrote

Who gives a crap about humans…save the doggos


Diplodocus114 t1_izsuxyv wrote

Local pharmacy refused to sell me OTC piriton when I mentioned it was for a dog (same strength as previously given by the vet). The same also would not sell me plain calendula cream for a dog's sore teats when feeding puppies.

It was to do with the products not being licenced to be sold for animal use. UK.

Got the lesson and never again mentioned I was buying something for a dog. Obviously I only bought the same things the vet had previously advised/sold and was very careful. The veteranary piriton was the same dosage as for a 6 year old child (large dog) and the creams were the identical strength.


Diplodocus114 t1_izswp1y wrote

It is a shame for animal owners that the vet stuff is so much more expensive. My dog had a serious yeast infection on all paws and face folds (boxer) and the small tube of antifungal ointment from the vet was £30 per 10 days a few years ago. Same stuff from the pharmacy was about £8.

As an ex pharmacy worker I knew the wholesale price and could not work it out.

When I worked in pharmacy a woman used to come in and buy stuff for her horse. At that time we were never told to refuse service for animals of basic stuff off the shelf.