Submitted by Sariel007 t3_zp26p4 in UpliftingNews
ComprehensiveAdmin t1_j0q6efp wrote
SanguineBanker t1_j0q7ema wrote
Humans are not good enough for the pure goodness that is dog.
No-Information-1133 t1_j0qcseo wrote
Good boy, but…he also lead the girls away in the first place.
[deleted] t1_j0qd1g4 wrote
VeldinNtG t1_j0qdowb wrote
It was only after the girls were reunited with their parents that they learned Artemis was actually the one that got them lost.
"He kept running ahead of us. We were trying to follow him, but we couldn't keep up," Abigail Bourg said.
GreenSoxMonster t1_j0qdvrf wrote
I see it in the link posted.
Ok-Studio-7693 t1_j0qgkhy wrote
But why were the following
CondiMesmer t1_j0qhdg7 wrote
The plot twist at the end, that the good boy was really the bad boy that got them lost! It's ok they were forgiven and given treats.
[deleted] t1_j0qhvjh wrote
Intelligent_Proof341 t1_j0qi8xb wrote
So it was actually the girls that got themselves lost.
LowLevel_IT t1_j0qo6q2 wrote
Goldens are the best.
PM_ME_TRICEPS t1_j0qohis wrote
Dogs are so stupid
-PM_Me_Dat_Ass_Girl- t1_j0qqahr wrote
...after getting them lost in the woods*. 🤣
Good pup for keeping them self until help arrived, though.
curly_spork t1_j0qqc5c wrote
You have seen footage of dogs attacking people, right?
VeldinNtG t1_j0qqw5e wrote
I don't have a forest in my backyard, so it may well be different for them, but if my dog just runs out of my property, I follow them and bring them back. Can't imagine kids would see their dog run off into a forest and just go, "He'll be fine! Mom and dad won't care we that we have no idea where he is or when he'll be back, let's just stay here and stop having fun with the dog!"
VeldinNtG t1_j0qr5zo wrote
You just abandon your pets when they run off into forests or off your property? Nothing could go wrong right?
[deleted] t1_j0qstbt wrote
muhaski t1_j0quezp wrote
Yes that's what county dogs do. They live on 6 acres.
luxpinkx t1_j0qwdrk wrote
Where I live there are lots of forests, trails, and rural areas. It’s very common for people to let their dogs go run ahead of them and explore a bit. It should only be done if your dog has a proper recall response and will return to you when you give the signal. I had a boxer(who was very well trained) that loved digging and running/jumping around in the woods when we went on walks.
funkholebuttbutter t1_j0qwwe4 wrote
Proper recall response is key. Considering Artemis tears up blankets and shoes I kinda question how much effort went into his training though.
[deleted] t1_j0qx0t3 wrote
Exodus111 t1_j0qxdwa wrote
Yeah thats pretty normal.
Dogs run off, but they'll hear you when you shout and come running back eventually.
TheLastKirin t1_j0qxepy wrote
Dogs are amazing creatures, like guardian angels of some kind, and golden retrievers are the elite among them. I had a dog who was a golden/sheltie mix, beautiful inside and out. She remains the most gentle and loving creature I have ever known. I even still dream about her coming to visit me.
jofus_joefucker t1_j0qxxbz wrote
Shhh, we're worshipping animals here /s
depeupleur t1_j0qxxle wrote
Yep, at very least they got lost together and he thought she might know how to get out.
cruiserflyer t1_j0qyd91 wrote
We found out who's the good boi!
Fraggle_5 t1_j0qzmg8 wrote
he was looking for chance and sassy to get everyone home safely!
[deleted] t1_j0r0mxq wrote
Dirtweed79 t1_j0r156c wrote
People are like dogs. Some are better at smelling bullshit than others.
oberon t1_j0r26vk wrote
I'm sorry, do you have a dog? They come back home on their own.
Representative_Still t1_j0r46il wrote
Lmao, the dog got them lost and then was trying to keep the rescuers away…that’s one hell of a “hero dog” narrative lol
mVgicHat t1_j0r5x5h wrote
I would immediately be sus of the person
SuperToaster64 t1_j0r647j wrote
i beat da fuck out them bitches on god
2_StepsBack t1_j0r6ygz wrote
Dog planned this whole thing for extra treats I bet
LordDongler t1_j0r70z3 wrote
My dog would just run around me in huge circles if I ever got lost in the woods
jokeswagon t1_j0r80p9 wrote
rhcp1fleafan t1_j0r99l2 wrote
The dog didn't do anything any other dog wouldnt do lol. He stayed just with them? What did you expect a family dog to do when it's lost in the woods with its family!?
CFClarke7 t1_j0rasjf wrote
Aaaaand subbed
gonejellyfishin77 t1_j0rd1f4 wrote
No shit. All dogs care about is food and they're completely dependent on humans for it. Of course they're going to stick by humans who may feed them lol the dog worship on here is insane
TrashFever1978 t1_j0rd9cp wrote
about 15 years ago I started working for a roofer that had just began his business. The first day I went to work with him he said I should just leave my car at his house and ride with all the other guys to the job site. Once we got to the job site I started asking him if we had two by fours to nail down to keep us from sliding off the extremely steep roof, but he had no idea of what I was talking about and had planned no sort of safety measures. I climbed the ladder and attempted to go up the church steeple slope of the roof, made it about halfway to the top before I started sliding back down quickly and I only kept myself from falling off the edge of the house by hooking my foot into the gutter. I came back down the ladder and told him I quit because I could not work for someone who had no idea what they were doing or how to do it safely. He said that I would have to sit there all day until they left the job site before I could get back to my car. I was like fuck that and began walking thinking I could get a hold of someone to come pick me up.
The house next to the house we were working on had a friendly German Shepherd. He began following me as I walked away down the road trying to call people to get a ride. I ended up walking over 7 miles before a group of workers with a truck pick me up and gave me a ride to my car.
The German Shepherd would not leave my side as I walked. I tried yelling at him, even threw sticks and rocks at him (of course not hitting him, just trying to run him off back home). He would run away, but the moment I turned around and started walking again it would only be a few moments and I would feel his nose sniffing my hand as he had already walked back to be beside me. Halfway through the walk another dog ran up on me growling and barking and he jumped the dog and ran him off. Once the nice strangers had stopped to pick me up he was just staring at me as I climbed into the back of the truck. I asked them if it was okay if I brought him with me and I got him to jump up.
Once I got back to my car I loaded him up and I drove back to that job site and knocked on the people's door that owned him. They had been worried about him and their kids were upset. I gave me my pat on the head and told him thanks for not letting that other dog attack me, keeping me company, and that he was a good boy. Never saw him again.
NoStorage2821 t1_j0re9zs wrote
They were homeward bound
[deleted] t1_j0renca wrote
[deleted] t1_j0rfmjm wrote
AFWTMT t1_j0rfrf7 wrote
Like a good boy!
AFWTMT t1_j0rftjf wrote
saihuang t1_j0rg8fs wrote
Portw00d t1_j0rhnrk wrote
"We didn't ask for this job, it's built into us. To bark when he's in danger, to run and play with him when he's happy, to nuzzle him when he's lonely.
That's why they call us man's best friend."
RedditBanThisDick t1_j0rhqo3 wrote
My dog has no recall. Well I say no recall - he is a dickhead who wants me to go to him - but if I walk off, he follows. We can happily let him off his lead and he will stay within 10-15ft of us. If he wanders off we just carry on walking and he comes to us.
We don't really have to worry about other dogs because if he has his ball in his mouth he really isn't interested. If we see another dog and need to put him back on the lead I can just walk up and leash him.
The_Queef_of_England t1_j0rjany wrote
Labradors too. They're basically the same as goldies but short hair. I had a yellow one who was also extremely gentle and kind. Her parents were guide dogs. She didn't make it for whatever reason, but she had those qualities. She was so calm, she only barked a handful of times her whole life. She was a bit odd there. Once she barked at a wall, and another time she barked at a parked bike. Maybe she failed the intelligent part of being a guide dog, bless her cute little paws.
[deleted] t1_j0rk0sl wrote
psychmonkies t1_j0rl23x wrote
This is what I came to the comments looking for, this was my thought exactly!
Mentalfloss1 t1_j0rli2e wrote
Of course.
terdferguson t1_j0rq3rw wrote
This sounds like something my dumb dumb cousins golden-mix of some kind dog would accidentally do. I think it was the day before Thanksgiving it was pouring and he was sulking about not going for his normal 2 hour walk. The next day the good boy got his regular walk and a 5 mile bike ride. He would also bark the shit out of anyone approaching the house (familiar or not) R-man I miss you. He ain't gone I'm just not near him and I miss his attention when no one else was awake. He would literally just lean into you. Or sit against you and beg for pats with his paws, which were all absolutely given. Then again they just let him hang out outside on a really nice day because he would never leave the yard...dags crazy lovable creatures.
Special_Rice9539 t1_j0rrs5n wrote
Humans created dogs through selectively breeding certain traits. Just putting that out there
canadianhousecoat t1_j0rsjkw wrote
Darn I'm old. But also... if I have kids they'll love some old films.
[deleted] t1_j0ru9i7 wrote
CosmicOwl102 t1_j0rulhu wrote
Thanks for the new sub!
SanguineBanker t1_j0ruy8e wrote
Sure, that's why I meant doggo's and not wolves.
Staring_at_sea t1_j0rvkbi wrote
What a terribly written article.
BigUncleHeavy t1_j0rw4o5 wrote
I read the article. This is a more appropriate headline:
"Dog leads two young girls deep into dangerous woods. Becomes aggressive when rescuers foil its plans. Relieved parents confess they can do nothing to stop dog's destructive rampage afterwards."
Duganz t1_j0rwacw wrote
He was teaching them that Christmas is about who you love, and who loves you. Dog is a hero.
StonerSpunge t1_j0ryywi wrote
Why are you here lol
spicybright t1_j0rz937 wrote
Good boy ❤️
brodoswaggins93 t1_j0s2mj8 wrote
I wandered into the forest around my family cottage when I was around 3, and the family dog followed me and stayed with me for the 4 hours or so that I was lost. She was a golden retriever, same breed as the one in this story I think . We don't deserve golden retrievers, they're so good.
unbearably_bearable t1_j0s5hep wrote
unbearably_bearable t1_j0s5j15 wrote
FustianRiddle t1_j0s84vm wrote
I watched Homeward Bound for the first in over 20 years and man...even though I know that cat in the rapids is fake and I can see it's fake, I had to leave the room.
TheLastKirin t1_j0s9nto wrote
Labs are great dogs but my experience with them was so different. I've known 4 pretty well, and they can be so rambunctious. Goldens are more nurturing guardians, in my experience. Just my own experience though!
[deleted] t1_j0saal6 wrote
clamroll t1_j0sbb9x wrote
Check their comment history. What else are they supposed to do while waiting for billygoats to cross the bridge overhead?
Echospite t1_j0sbne7 wrote
In Australia a few years ago a three year old girl wandered from her property into the bush.
This seventeen year old bluey, deaf and partly blind, followed her. He followed her into the bush and trotted after her and stayed with her all night.
The next day the dog recognised one of the searchers, who realised what the dog was doing and followed him to the girl. They said she smelled like the dog.
His name was Max and this was 2018. Too lazy to give a link but you can google! I have a dog of the same breed - they are very, very loyal and will sooner die before anything happens to your children. My childhood dog wouldn’t even let other kids hit me with a pillow.
Echospite t1_j0sbrt7 wrote
My dog wouldn’t let anything happen to me but she wouldn’t let my rescuers go near me either!
Echospite t1_j0sc5z7 wrote
What a good dog!
velveeeeta t1_j0scn6y wrote
It's on my list of films to re-watch and I just know I am going to bawl like a baby when Shadow is stuck in the pit EVEN THOUGH I'VE SEEN THE END A HUNDRED TIMES
Jazzanthipus t1_j0sd2hn wrote
Sure, according to the 7 year-old. We’ll never get his side of the story
ahduhduh t1_j0shtw7 wrote
Dianapdx t1_j0si8my wrote
I have brother/sister kitties named Sassy and Shadow named after this movie.
dedicated-pedestrian t1_j0siiyk wrote
"Hahaha, fun walk! Keep walking! Yes!"
My dog's internal monologue.
BeyondAddiction t1_j0sisbc wrote
You sound fun at parties.
P0rn0nlyacct t1_j0sl1r5 wrote
Go Artemis go!!!
P0rn0nlyacct t1_j0sl9jm wrote
No, labs are energy balls with at best half a brain. Nothing at all like goldens or shepherds
P0rn0nlyacct t1_j0sldbs wrote
You don’t do shit, and god knows that
[deleted] t1_j0sm7hg wrote
tucker_frump t1_j0snh55 wrote
After getting them lost in the woods, according to the two girls ..
FlashZordon t1_j0spp93 wrote
My wife watched Homeward Bound for the first time while pregnant. When she found out >!Sassy survived the rapids!< she about lost all composure and was crying uncontrollably lol.
Vergenbuurg t1_j0sqrq1 wrote
When Shadow appears, the orchestra crescendos, and Don Ameche utters, "Peter..." I just absolutely lose it.
Teh_Weiner t1_j0sr0pk wrote
Dog wanted to take over the family. Ruthless little golden boy had a change of heart, was leading them to their demise :(
[deleted] t1_j0srmeg wrote
SuperToaster64 t1_j0sserf wrote
[deleted] t1_j0suhep wrote
Divember t1_j0sv7g4 wrote
I live about an hour from where this happened. The story of them going missing flooded social media locally as it was happening. There were so many people trying to go help look for them that the police actually had to make a statement telling people to stay/go home so they didn’t get in the way of the search. They were using helicopters to scan the woods for them.
quinteroreyes t1_j0sw0w7 wrote
My dog would abandon me, she's a husky so I'd give her 10 minutes before fucking off
8_millimeter t1_j0swmms wrote
She may just be blaming it on the dog?🤷♀️
throwtheclownaway20 t1_j0swp6h wrote
"Sorry, boy, but someone's gotta go under this bus and you're the one who doesn't speak English, so..."
fueledbytisane t1_j0t2qei wrote
Reminds me of my old blue heeler/aussie mix. My mom got heatstroke one day while working in the garden. After that, the dog would get between her and the plant beds any time Mom started having even a hint of trouble with the heat. She refused to move until Mom went inside to drink some water and cool down a bit. She was such a good dog.
nubbins01 t1_j0t6bem wrote
Can't go home if don't know where home be. #dogwinning.
sleeper_54 t1_j0t6wqh wrote
...and spend her time baying at and chasing every animal she might imagine in the forest floor leaf litter.
gophergun t1_j0t72sj wrote
I mean, he ran off in the first place, so that's something another dog might not do.
markercore t1_j0t74x4 wrote
It might be real, they killed a lot of cats and dogs making that movie, a terrible fact the Internet taught me..
sleeper_54 t1_j0t7ply wrote you tell us, 14 accumulated down votes later.
VeldinNtG t1_j0t9mc5 wrote
You think these two little girls know the proper recall response?
quinoapizza t1_j0t9v0j wrote
My black lab helped me in a similar situation. Went out into the woods to look for fiddle heads as a young girl turned around and didn’t know which way to go. She somehow led me back home. I got a black lab as an adult now which reminds me of my past “fauw” rip
VeldinNtG t1_j0t9vbh wrote
Well trained dogs do, or perhaps only to people who trained them well. I find it pretty believable these girls shouted the dog's name, and then decide to follow when the dog didn't return. I don't know why it's such a wild concept that two kids didn't know the proper recall method the dog was trained on and decided to follow the dog instead of just do absolutely nothing. Remember, these are kids!
VeldinNtG t1_j0t9ytk wrote
Do you say that every time you see a missing dog poster in your neighborhood? Would you expect that to be the first thought in a little kid's mind?
Skivvy t1_j0tdf4z wrote
You're probably thinking of Milo and Otis (1986)
[deleted] t1_j0tkmx3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j0tkoth wrote
[deleted] t1_j0tkzyn wrote
The_Queef_of_England t1_j0tpdt0 wrote
Some are like that, but some aren't. They get used for guide dogs because they can be calm and smart, but they have to pass the selection process, and the boisterous dopey ones fail puppy school. But they're cute as fuck so it's ok.
Nero_PR t1_j0tt765 wrote
The lengths the dog went to help a stranger in trouble. It could be that it sniffed something like the frustration out of you (like a chemical compound of sorts or anything) and decided to stick together? It is a fascinating read.
SuperToaster64 t1_j0tuf34 wrote
i didnt feel a need to until someone commented
curly_spork t1_j0u6lbf wrote
You would be sus of a person when a relative of wolves attacks people? Huh...interesting.
dragonchilde t1_j0ucs1x wrote
luxpinkx t1_j0ulhnz wrote
Depends. Idk what their parents taught them. Also kids will be kids and they didn’t realize the danger of running into the woods.
FustianRiddle t1_j0uq9p4 wrote
Oh maybe the original Homeward Bound? But Homeward Bound The Incredible Journey that cat is definitely not real.
mVgicHat t1_j0uuy9l wrote
Domestic dogs are literally a different breed than wolves.
curly_spork t1_j0uyyop wrote
Still predators.
mVgicHat t1_j0uz551 wrote
I’ve met far more humans I would consider predators than domestic dogs.
curly_spork t1_j0v1nz4 wrote
Okay. It doesn't change the fact dogs have no problem chewing off the face of people.
4.5 million dog bites a year in the US alone, with 800,000 resulting in medical care.
mVgicHat t1_j0v2fsi wrote
Getting a few stitches in your hand is medical care, “chewing off the face of people” is a huge exaggeration.
Most dog bites (I think 80%?) come from Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, which were literally bred to be defensive.
curly_spork t1_j0vxbp1 wrote
They are dogs, piercing the flesh of people, maiming and killing. Good attempt at moving goalposts.
mVgicHat t1_j0wbwlj wrote
Ok. How many people have had their faces eaten then lol
You clearly had something happen to you
curly_spork t1_j0x2hkx wrote
Yeah, a dog chewed my face when I was a toddler. But, what do you care? You think toddlers are predators.
TheLastKirin t1_j0yo61b wrote
That's kind of been my experience too!
Love them all though. Our lab was a loving and happy dog when his health was good. A goofball who always wanted to get people to play, by stealing their stuff.
fangface70 t1_j10yi89 wrote
So something like this happened to me when I was 4 or 5 years old.
My grandparents had a big farm in Cumming, GA. I don't know what the acreage was but it was sizable. The house sat at the top of very wooded hill. There was a gravel "road" that extended into the woods past the house. It was originally part of the driveway/construction area when it was being built. But overtime it became less of a road and more of a trail as the weeds, brush, grass and like grew up through the gravel. Eventually, as you walked it, just faded away into the woods because it was never used. Anyway, when I was wandering around outside late one afternoon, and you guess it, I followed that "road" right into the woods. I turned around at one point and the house was gone and so was the road. Suddenly, I realized I was lost and scared to death. The sun was going down. I started bawling so bad I could barely see. I just kept walking, hoping I would end up somewhere recognizable. Eventually, I ended up facing a barbed wire fence at the edge of the property, an area I had never seen before. My grandfather owned 4 or 5 beagles that lived in a large pin outside. He would let them out all the time and they always came back. There were great dogs. I only remember one of them, Blue. Yes, Blue was his name. Anyway, by the time I made to the edge of the property, I was a mess. I had totally pissed my pants and was a blubbering idiot. It seem like hours and felt hopeless. Then out of nowhere, Blue appeared. He came up to me wagging his tail, licking me, etc. and just as happy as ever. Then he just turned and started walking. I just followed him not knowing what else to do. He led me down beside the fence for a while. I remember thinking how I had never knew this part of the property even existed. The woods just kind of ended at the edge of the property and there was a big meadow on the other side. We walked what seemed like forever. The only solace I had was that I wasn't alone anymore but still scared to death. It was really dark now. Dusk in the woods for a 4-5 year was not where I wanted to be. We had turned back into the woods at some point as I was just following the dog blindly, crying, wet from pissing my pants and also scared of getting in trouble. Eventually, the woods started to open up and then the gravel started to appear again and I could see the house and a lot of headlights and flashing blue lights. As I got closer, I could tell there was a lot of commotion. A number people I didn't recognize and my grandparents, my mom, the neighbors, etc. When they saw me, they lost their shit of course. I was alive, ok and FOUND. Apparently I had been gone for about 6 hours. All the neighbors, the Sheriff's department and even a helicopter had been dispatched. I was a mess. I thought I would get in big trouble but of course, everyone was so happy I was home that I didn't. I remember getting cleaned up and telling them what happened. This is a true story. That dog led me home.
AutoModerator t1_j0q4koy wrote
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