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oldar4 t1_j0tdle4 wrote

It is stacked against certain people. The poor. Always it is a game of keeping poor down and uneducated and confused while the rich lead easy, luxurious lives.

Everything else is a distraction from the real fight and the real enemy. That is rich vs poor, and those outrageously wealthy are the enemy. Those born into old money centuries old. Those who dehumanize and view the poor as animals because they were born lucky.


Ayziak t1_j0telqa wrote

We can agree there. It's my firm belief that most "us vs them" dichotomies are carefully fed & guided to distract from the real disparity of "rich vs poor".

However in the meantime, at the end of the day all that matters is the average quality of life for each and every person. It's important to remember that, with some major twists and turns, progressive views have always prevailed in the long run. The world inherently progresses, and there's only so much someone can drag their feet in a progressing world.


oldar4 t1_j0th31f wrote

Words chsnge their meaning often and shouldn't be trusted alone. Our liberals in America are conservatives compared to other parts of the world.

If we are all slaves who live comfortably, is that a good thing? I'd argue no.i think rich vs poor is all that matters and if we solve that big issue then many small issues will be fixed through collateral damage so to speak. Broke, hungry and homeless? Fixing wealth vs poor issues solves that.