
t1_j0telqa wrote

We can agree there. It's my firm belief that most "us vs them" dichotomies are carefully fed & guided to distract from the real disparity of "rich vs poor".

However in the meantime, at the end of the day all that matters is the average quality of life for each and every person. It's important to remember that, with some major twists and turns, progressive views have always prevailed in the long run. The world inherently progresses, and there's only so much someone can drag their feet in a progressing world.


t1_j0tdcqe wrote

You're right! It's almost as if the whole system is stacked against certain people no matter where they live.

But go ahead and ask any person of colour if they'd rather live in SF, or Harrison AK (or any of the deep south for that matter).

This is a sign that further progressive policy & sentiment is needed everywhere, not that we should give up trying and regress to the 50s.