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Shot_Sprinkles_6775 t1_j3mgb50 wrote

This is super cool for people who have gone blind after being able to see. But if someone has always been blind, their brain doesn’t know how to process visual input. If they are a kid they can probably develop the ability to do so. But an adult who was born blind may never see “normally” even if their retinas are functioning “normally”.


urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_j3mi2nc wrote

Maybe one day we can "train" the vision area by stimulating it with electric impulses, who knows


RahRah617 t1_j3pj62l wrote

Vision therapy is already a thing. It helped me see learn how to see 3D


torsed_bosons t1_j3p80tz wrote

The overwhelming majority of people blind from retinal disease were previously sighted. Macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are the two leading causes of irreversible blindness in the developed world.


SeasonedPro58 t1_j3pbwbk wrote

Retinits Pigmentosa is the same.


THEMACGOD t1_j3puojo wrote

Down to about 10° fov… been waiting for that cyberpunk future where I can swap eyes, squirt in stem cells, or plug bionic ones in.


UniqueGamer98765 t1_j3pjgma wrote

It's no different than gaining any other sense. The brain is really good at adjusting to new stimuli. New neural pathways are created all the time, and the brain can be rewired.