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Y34rZer0 t1_j3v7j2t wrote

Well I think the UAE would just point out the US should stop purchasing that fossil fuels rather than them stop selling them, that’s a bit of a stretch..

Don’t stress too much, I want saw a chart the estimated when we would achieve interplanetary colonisation versus the speed we are wrecking the planet, And we’re not even gonna come close to making it


faciepalm t1_j3v7xip wrote

I don't believe there isn't money from UAE etc being funneled towards anti-climate change propaganda. It's all about getting the people to not care, so they can vote for politicians who don't care


Y34rZer0 t1_j3v8rcs wrote

most likely, I don’t think there’s any separation between the people selling your oil and the people buying it either, the only colour both sides care about is the colour of money