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BigHugFromaStranger t1_j5ybvkk wrote

I have no desire to live this long. Once I'm unable to wipe my own ass, I'm out!


Jackisoff t1_j5yvaio wrote

I know what you mean. It just depends on the person. I work in healthcare and I see people pretty young (60’s) in such poor health that can barely walk and can’t take care of themselves. I think about how difficult the rest of their lives will be. My grandma lived alone in her own home doing everything on her own until she was 94 years old. She died at home with my parents taking care of her. She suddenly started deteriorating around age 94. My parents took care of her for about four months (with the help of hospice) and she died at home. I want to live like her and die at home with family like her.


BigHugFromaStranger t1_j5yw2qk wrote

Your grandma is my goal!!!! Mine did, too, until she was 82 years old. As long as I'm mobile, happy, and healthy I'll be quite happy to be on this planet! But once my body (or mind) give out to the point of dependency for the rest of my life, I plan on giving myself an altruistic exit.


MinceMann t1_j5yy77v wrote

Yup, I’m not suicidal or anything but I’m pretty much ready to go.


BigHugFromaStranger t1_j5yzmd7 wrote

Yes, exactly. I battled depression and suicidal tendencies when I was younger but that's different than "end of life care" for people who are terminal.


Skyblacker t1_j603cnc wrote

I think the idea is to increase the quality of life as well as quantity.