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NoMoOmentumMan t1_j7wuv4x wrote

>Then why are you commenting about the Oregon bottle dropoff?

Because this is a Washington sub, and I lived there for near to 4 decades and still have an interest in the area (in real property and in practicality as I'm there regularly) Furthermore, I've returned cans in Oregon, and the system is functionally the same as what I have to deal with hith in Michigan. This is also a discussion of a post about a bill being lobbied for in Washington, so not even spefic to Oregon.

>That is misleading as fuck. You are talking about a completely different system there.

That's your impression, so I'm not going to shit on it. But, they are the exact same equipment (I have spent a ton of time in the Columbia River Gorge area and have dealt with can return in rural areas and in Portland.

That is the 2nd time you have made assumptions , and it bit you. Maybe stop doing that?

>In many parts of Oregon, they don't, though.

So, no curbside recycle pickup at all? Paper is just tossed? Non-depoait glass/aluminum/plastic too? Sounds like 1981, I'd advise passing on that regression.

>Plus, they have less material that needs to be picked up.

Less isn't zero.

You never addressed a ton of the problems I presented (closed kiosks with a car full of cans/bottles, safety, time and money costs, dirty carts), all of which exist regardless of geography. You came into this saying you didn't know, amd were just asking questions (though it would appear you live in the Vancouver, WA area based on post history, so it stands to reason you're more experienced than you're letting on).

Just be transparent. You are a cheap ass who wants their $9.17 a month back, damn the consequences.

Anyway, good chat. It was nice to engage in some rhetoric.

I'm out.


SereneDreams03 t1_j7wyf14 wrote

>That is the 2nd time you have made assumptions , and it bit you. Maybe stop doing that?

Listen, I tried to be polite and learn more about the Oregon system in particular because that is what this article is proposing to expand to Washington. I've recycled in many different areas, but i was curious about the particulars of their systme. But it seems like I know more about that system than you, and since you've been condescending as fuck the whole time, and since you don't even live in Washington anymore, you can fuck off.