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SharpBeat t1_j8qnzvy wrote

Although I am fully vaccinated, I think all these people should be rehired and be given back pay. Bodily autonomy is a fundamental civil right, and no one should be forced (yes, a mandate is force) to undergo a medical procedure to keep a job or be in public spaces. That is simply not in line with the values of a liberal democracy.

Additionally, their choice to not take the vaccine feels reasonable given that the infection fatality rate from COVID is (and always was) low for anyone under 50, the fact that the vaccines do not stop transmission anyways, and since recent concerns about side effects have triggered new studies and investigations into safety, even from the CDC. In the end, everyone is responsible for their own health, and cannot force their desire for low risk onto others. If someone is concerned about a disease with a low fatality rate, they should quarantine themselves instead of forcing a mandate on others. After all, the vaccine won't give them full protection from transmission or the disease anyways, so what difference does it make, if they are worried about the risk? Are they really trying to make the vague claim that a low risk has now turned into a slightly lower risk and somehow that changes everything for them in terms of their risk assessment? That makes no sense. If you're worried, stay indoors or wear lots of PPE. But I don't think it is OK to violate others people's rights to make you feel just slightly more safe.

As for the folks saying that these people are not "civically minded" - I don't think their personal medical choices have any relevance or impact on their ability to do their job. That phrase doesn't mean what you think it means. Additionally, holding such a notion as a purity test feels authoritarian.

All that said, I think the MRNA vaccines are a tremendous scientific innovation and if you weigh all the risks, the best choice for most people is to just get the vaccine and boosters, because you probably face more risks from not getting it.


SeattlePilot206 t1_j9791bl wrote

Agreed. Vaccinations was a cult, hysterical reaction to fear induced by persistent media. They did nothing but help you out. In fact telling people they were safely vaccinated, when the could still spread the disease was ignorant, incarnate.


homeownur t1_j98qg5i wrote

First question I ask my dentist is if they ate their vegetables… if not, there’s no way they can take care of me.