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simplyvelo t1_it3y0p9 wrote

This is the answer, if they don’t comply they can lose access to the carrier.


intrepidated t1_it41smp wrote

For me it's Tiffany Smiley. Every damn day, 4-6 messages. I get unlimited text and they get picked up by T-Mobile spam blocker, so no impacts. But just to show this is not a party-specific thing, and should be outright illegal for all of them.

(Sorry, this meant to go on the main thread)


KittyBizkit t1_it4z68g wrote

I am getting a LOT of spam from Republican candidates in particular. Some are so unhinged and detached from reality that its scary to think that they even have a chance to be elected. The mailers I keep getting often are alarming by the positions they are taking.

I sincerely hope that all of their efforts backfire on them and they don't pick up any more support.


MaintainThePeace t1_it670h5 wrote

Me too, I only get them from Smiley.

The first one seems resonable, but then after that, someone let the crazy out.

I can't fathom who their target audience is, and how these may somehow get them new voters and not losing voters.


KittyBizkit t1_it67q3c wrote

I have lost faith in humanity after seeing Trump get elected and how people STILL worship him even after Jan 6. People are easily brainwashed by the constant propaganda they are fed by the conservative media outlets. We need to figure out how to deprogram them somehow. I am afraid that it may not be possible though since many are so far gone. Convincing someone that they are wrong and getting them to accept that fact is extremely difficult because humans aren’t rational creatures much of the time.


botwiash t1_it5dc1v wrote

I moved recently and after registering to vote at my new address all I get in the mail is republican propaganda and their smear campaigns of democrats.

It's a good way to know who not to vote for I guess. Even if I didn't care about politics and voted randomly they would annoy me enough to make sure I'd never vote for them with all the spam.


KittyBizkit t1_it5er97 wrote

I got one the other day that was trying to smear the democrat for supporting abortion as if that was a bad thing. I was confused for a while as to which candidate actually sent it out because I saw it as pro-democrat, which is absolutely NOT what they had intended it to be.


botwiash t1_it5tu9g wrote

I think I've gotten that same one at least 3 times


OzzieSlim t1_it5dtgz wrote

Me too. And I answer every one with my opinion on her since they go through. I want to know which corporations sold our phone lists to these idiots. Not GOPQ and never have been.