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jonnipounds t1_iz7ccz2 wrote

That is Beautiful, way too go Seattle.


saltlik t1_iz7q0un wrote

Beautiful sunrise.


ericlarsen2 t1_iz7rn66 wrote

Where did you snap the Pic from? That's a great capture!


broham97 t1_iz7ugb1 wrote

We don’t get this angle enough, awesome pic, very cozy looking


KellyJoyCuntBunny t1_iz7ympx wrote

Ooooh, fuck yes. That’s lovely.

Thank you so much for sharing!


Sabishbash t1_iz80ri2 wrote

Take this down now! We don’t want anyone to see this lol


Autolycus810 t1_iz8cgij wrote

Oh that’s gorgeous. Shots like these really make me want try photography.


reversebananimals t1_iz8e0xy wrote

This is from a drone flying above the top of Queen Anne. The lit street running diagonal in the bottom of the frame is "The Counterbalance" aka Queen Anne Ave N. I know its a drone because no building in this neighborhood is this tall.

The tiny green stoplight across the intersection from the gray 6 story apartment building in the bottom right 1/3 corner of the pic is at the intersection of Queen Anne Ave N. and W. Highland Drive. Here's the view from street level on Google Street View:,-122.3567512,3a,75y,145.39h,91.33t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sczUd_ZJtqQgJRTGn_Ene0w!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

Source - lived in Queen Anne for 5 years.


FrontButtPunt t1_iz8j3r7 wrote

I can smell the air in this photo. Known it evey year.


DrooMighty t1_iz8oky6 wrote

This is one of the comfiest images I've ever seen


Chloerose46 t1_iz8rnyn wrote

Beautiful! It doesn’t FEEL that flat! Thanks for sharing!


Dr_Adequate t1_iz9imbj wrote

That is awesome. For people downvoting, Emmet Watson was a crusty old Seattleite who founded a fake organization in the 70's called "Lesser Seattle" which had the catchphrase K.B.O. The initials are short for Keep the Bastards Out. He had a weekly column in the local newspaper where he regularly (and humorously) ranted about the influx of Californians.

You see, Californians were leaving by the droves and moving to Washington because their local housing market was skyrocketing while Washington's housing market was still very affordable.

There was a noticeable change in Seattle's culture of laid-back northwest congeniality, and it rubbed a lot of locals, like Mr. Watson, the wrong way. And because there was no Internet, no NextDoor, no Facebook, what he did was he got a newspaper column which he used to troll the invaders from California.


DanoPinyon t1_iz9o6u5 wrote

I hope there was some sledding in Queen Anne this year!


madbushido t1_iza4ocu wrote

Great shot. But that canopy coverage needs to improve #plantmoretrees


crash8308 t1_iza86x2 wrote

I don’t want to hear anyone say “it never snows here.” because it has snowed for at least the last 15 years in the GSA.


Awkward-Snow-981 t1_izbdwv5 wrote

Moved to Southern California but miss the snowy winter so very much 🥹


GreenThumbFun t1_izdbtt4 wrote

Simply amazing shot. Thanks for the share.