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ered_lithui t1_izcxcl1 wrote

It's totally natural! Nature is sleeping right now... why shouldn't we as well?


gowronhonor t1_izdesyr wrote

Normalize human winter dormancy


rosesandpiglets t1_izdfect wrote

Oh what I’d do to hibernate. Eat a bunch in fall then wake up skinny in spring, that’s the dream.


SarcasticKenzie t1_izcqx6b wrote

Lol literally already in bed, going to try and stay awake till 8:30pm though. 😂

Update edit: I did it. 👍🏼


meesh137 t1_izcxft7 wrote

The seasonal shift here can definitely be brutal. Take some extra vitamin D and maybe even add B12. Go visit a tanning bed once in a while to feel some sunshine. Find a fun way to be active in the early evening (sometimes I just have a dance party in the living room with my dog and a disco light). The good news is, we have 3 weeks until days start to get longer. Before we know it, everyone will be bitching about the next heat dome so enjoy this while it lasts!


[deleted] t1_izeoh50 wrote

I agree with everything but the tanning bed. Instead of a tanning bed, I recommend purchasing a light therapy lamp. There are some great UV-free ones that improve sleep, mood, focus, and energy. They also don't contribute to skin cancer.


holmgangCore t1_ize0mab wrote

Don’t forget Magnesium to make sure you absorb the Vit D. It’s essential.


cmotdibblersdelights t1_izf213l wrote

And you can absorb magnesium through your skin. Epsom salts in a bath is relaxing and therapeutic!


CoolCrow206 t1_izcwf2g wrote

Don’t feel guilty or bad about it. Your mind and body probably like the break for some good rebuilding. Our summer and autumn days are so awesomely long up here, winter is some good hibernating time!


lalaluna05 t1_izd4sad wrote

Yay seasonal depression. It’s rough on me.


cmotdibblersdelights t1_izf1u1f wrote

Have you tried one of those silly little SAD lights? Some people swear by them! 15 minutes of shining a bright light on your face with your eyes closed I the morning is all it takes


lalaluna05 t1_izf1yvz wrote

I have! But they don’t really work for me. I’m trying to add some Vitamin D this year and try some things a therapist suggested.


sassy_cheddar t1_izfgfjp wrote

Been a struggle for me for a long time too. I'm grateful when it snows because it's SO MUCH BRIGHTER. The little happy lights don't help and give me a headache but I was gifted a used panel one and it's a lot better, I keep it on the window sill to run in the mornings.

And I'm trying to do better about getting outside at lunch time, even if it's raining. It helps.

Just a couple weeks until the days start getting longer! Hang in there.


Comfortable_Sweet_47 t1_izcvx50 wrote

Yep, it's normal. Just your body responding to the shorter days and longer nights


Rocketgirl8097 t1_izd40gv wrote

I'm a night owl so I actually have to force myself to go to bed so that I can function on the job in the morning.


tamarlk t1_izd5mbl wrote

I used to be like this too until I started using a 10,000 LUX light for 30 minutes in the morning. It has been life changing for me. The brand I use is verilux happy light.


mister_gone t1_izd5brg wrote

I start looking at the clock around 5 wondering how much longer until bed. It feels like it's 8 or 9 already.

I don't do well with it getting dark early.


Mysterious-Check-341 t1_ize618r wrote

I work nights, stay up late after and sleep days, often waking as it’s getting dark again…I joke with my family that I am a Vampire but hey sleeping is the fountain of youth and the darkness doesn’t age you…Just a positive perspective


harpmolly t1_izd0ifk wrote

I was talking to my therapist about this exact thing today. 😂


Old-AF t1_izd0s0w wrote

Yep, SAD.


Raincity44 t1_izd68dy wrote

I have a 1-1/2 year old.. kid will not let me chill. We basically play, eat dinner, bath, read, play read, cry, then go to bed at the same time. I love it, definitely has changed my mood/motivation for this time of year.


Zagsnation t1_izehoj8 wrote

Yeah, everyone. It’s called Circadian rhythm.


holmgangCore t1_ize0hkv wrote

You may be a bear.

Happens to many of us.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_izefwz8 wrote

Humans are biologically wired to sleep longer when the photo period is shorter IIRC.,


AnyBowl8 t1_izevn74 wrote

Yep, just roll with it. Be kind to your body and your mind. It's the hibernation season for us Northerners.


shponglespore t1_izg0r75 wrote

This reminds me of a YouTube video a saw recently about Japanese timekeeping before Western clocks became popular. They divides they day into an equal number of daytime hours and nighttime hours, so sunrise and sunset were always at the same time of day. The lengths of the hours varies based on the season, so daytime hours were longer than nighttime hours in the summer and shorter in the winter. People's work schedules were fixed, so they had a much longer work day in the summer than in the winter.

Honestly it sounds great to me. Not for purposes that involve precise measurement, but definitely for things like work schedules and meal times.


[deleted] t1_izdf6ep wrote

Nah. I always want to stay up late any time of the year.


DeaditeMessiah t1_ize77lo wrote

Welcome to SAD! Time to get a sun lamp.


BachelorPOP t1_izenk15 wrote

It’s a curse I deal with every year


[deleted] t1_izeooex wrote

Fully relate. Already thinking about planning a warm-weather, sunny vacation in March/April.


pmiller61 t1_izer3kk wrote

Hibernation! Bring it on


dapperpony t1_izf513y wrote

It’s hibernation season


DarkFlame7 t1_izf89ri wrote

Exact opposite for me weirdly enough


theredheaddiva t1_izf90ib wrote

Yep, it happens. This time of year my husband and I will often take cups to tea to bed and snuggle down and read books for a while before actually going to sleep. Just going with the seasons. In the summer sometimes it feels like there's so much to do, people to see, events and places to explore that the quiet rest of winter is welcomed.


Eat_Carbs_OD t1_izfa8y9 wrote

I went to bad at 8 last night.
I have a wool blanket on my bed so I sleep stupid warm. It's awesome.


sirguynate t1_izfls5b wrote

I go to bed at 8-9pm regardless, it’s just easier now since it’s dark.


snowcabin2019 t1_izgd2x4 wrote

We all need to get your Vit d levels checked.


Shortsuff16 t1_izgh9uv wrote

To be completely honest during this time of year I’m in bed by 6.. go to sleep at around 7 and wake up at 3:30 AM and start my day 🤣