
Future_Huckleberry71 t1_j165nv1 wrote

1100-1300 covers most of the Crusades and the Mongol invasions of Europe.Local wars in Europe were not usually large but the Crusades were multi year affairs involving large armies, sieges and fleets. Large local conflicts could not be paid for by pillaging and looting small neighbors. Islamic armies of the period fielded similar large forces, many of African origin.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_izegdj8 wrote

Bainbridge ferry provides easy access to downtown Seattle without a vehicle. Both green and watery. Bainbridge is a very nice suburb with lots of commuters. Whidbey is out of daily commute range from downtown and is more rural generally though the largest town is much bigger than any Bainbrige urban center.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_izapwyt wrote

Most residential electrical services in both Florida and Washington meet uniform electrical code. Many Floridians are able to understand residential electrical panels. If a tenant consult your landlord about your failed system. If an owner unfamiliar with how your electrical panels are arranged consult an electrician. Many basements and garages have distribution and breaker sub panels. Some old houses have decommissioned boxes and panels left in place.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_izamuiv wrote

Get a set of mounted winter tires, perhaps studded if you'r going to be in the mountains a lot. Change them seasonally. Less Schwab swaps their tires for free. Alternately get a set of chains and learn how to install them laying in the snow.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_iywg8oi wrote

Prior to modern era there were few classes or formal schooling. Literate elites of Rome were aware of Greek and Roman history. Mostly educated by private tutors they read histories, mythologies and philosophies. Many educated Romans read Greek. Many educated medieval elites read and spoke Latin. Caesar knew Alexanders story well and once burst into tears that he had achieved so little himself at Alexanders age. Nearly all literate elites in Europe for the last 2,000 years have known the story of Caesar.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_iy0acoc wrote

Cle Elum and Winthrop are much nicer townscapes and vibs. for a few days stay in my book. Both well located for high country access and less expensive and touristy than Leavenworth. Personal preference. Cashmere is also well located for the Wenatchee/Icicle River drainages.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_ixwvste wrote

I don't believe your assumptions about newly conquered people quickly or ever even becoming Latin speakers is correct. Ruling elites maybe. In Roman Judea Greek was a lingua franca of commerce and diplomacy between various peoples. Literate people of the ancient Mediterranean world usually had some Greek. Greeks and the Levant had been interacting for a thousand years before Rome appeared. Greek was considered an intellectual and philosophical language by the Roman world.. Rome did not form many settler colonies in the Eastern Med.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_ixv9bsh wrote

Faux Bavarian town created by the Chamber of Commerce rocks your world as a tourist destination. Enjoy the illusion. Levenworth doesn't have Bavarian roots in early settlement. Total bullshit.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_ixpnbcs wrote

I'm unable to predict with accuracy what weather conditions will be at the end of January on the day you drive up the hill from Glacier. Be prepared to drive in very snowy and low visibility conditions with a fully chained up vehicle at greatly reduced speed. On the other hand road could be clear and dry with bright sunny weather.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_iwit7i2 wrote

Very few USFS roads are seasonally closed and you'r welcome to go up into the snow, traverse mud and ford water as far as your vehicle can get you. if roadways has slide out or bridges down they may, be not always do, put up a closed sign. East side of OP, Barlow Pass between Quilcene and Dungeness Rivers is sometimes doable in winter.


Future_Huckleberry71 t1_iwipn0t wrote

Sea Tac to Forks about 3 &1/2 hours in your rental car. Sea Tac to Paradise/Mt. Rainer 2 hrs. Forks to Rainier 5 hrs. Alpine regions in both Cascade and Olympics still have snow until mid July usually. Get a tide table for walking west coast beaches. Those not wanting to hike the Wilderness Beaches of the OP should bring ice axes, crampons and snow camping equipment for their early season alpine expedition.