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rhawk87 t1_izl7y77 wrote

Do you want another source?

You can't just keep burying your head in the sand and calling everything propaganda.


OtherBluesBrother t1_izlrfax wrote

Unfortunately, they can and will. Look at the past 6 years. They drank the orange kool-aid and can't wake up from the orange sleep of Mari-La.


[deleted] t1_izl8d71 wrote



rhawk87 t1_izljexi wrote

Even Fox News dispelled these rumors:

Oh wait is that Democratic Propaganda as well?


[deleted] t1_izljw5k wrote



rhawk87 t1_izlld2i wrote

Going by your logic, I should only believe what I see with my 5 senses. So do you think the world is flat? Have you even been and Antarctica? Prove to me that it exists. Prove to me that your not some Russian Troll. You can't.

By this logic you can just bury your head in the sand and call everything you don't agree with "propaganda". You're creating this fake reality in which only you are right about things and the rest of us are fooled by whatever boogey man you believe is controlling things.