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homunculajones t1_j11aa9i wrote

Theoretically WSDOT is going to be increasing enforcement of the chains requirements, per this article from a couple of weeks ago: We shall see...


revilo825 OP t1_j11ovwi wrote

Hey thanks for sharing this! We shall see indeed.


Lupine-lover t1_j15b1jc wrote

I drive over to Winthrop once a month via I-90 then Blewett Pass. I never use highway 2…it’s an accident waiting to happen. I have to say I mostly see overturned semis more than car spin outs. They should know better. Just this last few days Blewett was closed for 2 overturned semis. I’ve seen a huge crane have to show up and get a big semi off its side. The worst thing is returning to SEA, once you start down from the summit, the trucks, in the far left lane start making up time and drive fast and like complete maniacs. It can be so dangerous in winter conditions.


revilo825 OP t1_j15owgo wrote

That must be so frustrating when you’re doing that drive so much! And good call on hwy 2. That’s a winter driving nightmare.

The semis are a HUGE problem. I follow WSDOT on social media as they are very good with their communication; I feel like a lot of human caused closures are jack knifed and overturned semis. But they also frequently mention unprepared drivers. It’s actually what spurred me posting this yesterday.